Monorepo for all my years of Advent of Code.
Maybe not the best idea, but C++ it is.
> g++ -std=c++2a main.cpp -o main
> .\main.exe input.txt
New year, new language. This year is written in F#.
> dotnet fsi <file>.fsx
This year I've decided to write it in Haskell. Mostly for practice but great fun! Different days have different dependencies. So if you want to run the solutions you can try to compile each day with GHC like this:
> ghc <file>.hs
Or you can run it in a sandbox of your choice.
First year of AOC. Did not finish all days on time but I tried my best. Solutions are written in C# scripts which can be executed with the C# REPL Interface like this:
> csi <file>.csx
Coming up on AOC of 2022, I'm warming up with some older events. Starting with 2015. This year is written in Java and the solutions are self-contained. Just run them like this:
> java <file>.java