
comma's online calibration for pitch and yaw angles for the front camera

Primary LanguagePython

comma.ai calibration challenge

This repos is folked from https://github.com/commaai/calib_challenge

source : comma.ai


While inferring from images/video feeding, deep neural network can give us information in image-coordinates which is needed to convert into real-world coordinates for autonomous driving stack.
(this conversion can be however explicitly by geometric calculations or by deep neural net also)
To refer image-coordinates to real-world coordinates, we need two kinds of information of the camera :

[x] intrinsic information  
	which is related to camera lens's focal length and sensor/lens installations  
[x] extrinsic information
	which is related to camera installation in real-world coordinates (linear position [x y z], angular orientation [yaw pitch roll]).  
	*camera extrinsic information is subjected to perpetual changes because of camera-vehicle linking (camera position vs vehicle) and vehicle-ground linking (vehicle vs real-world).  

Our goal is to predict a part of extrinsic information [pitch and yaw angle in radians] from provided dashcam video which is in ideal condition can correct pre-calibrated extrinsic information.


## classical optical flow
by comparing detected feature-points between two consecutive image frames, we can estimate the optical flow vector-field at each pixel in ideal  .
from the optical-flow vector-field we can estimate yaw/pitch/roll angles and linear translations x/y/z in camera coordinates.  
as just simple ! but in reality, optical flow can be very noisy and calculation from optical-flow field is also complicated.  

## deeplearning
Taking the idea of optical flow calculation, we can inject two consecutive frames into a deep neural network that encode/decode/compare information at each pixel to then give a direct output of yaw and pitch angle of the camera at instant t.  
In fact, I used a model architecture inspired from resnet-18 to get converged training.  
Epoch 30/30
250/250 [==============================] - 195s 781ms/step - loss: 5.1514e-06 - val_loss: 7.0098e-04