
Draw text-based graphic primitives and 3d in Windows cmd line

Primary LanguageBatchfileGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Windows command line graphic primitives, for text based games/demos by Mikael Sollenborn (2016-2017)

Sorry about the current lack of documentation; have a look at the example files and all will be (kind of) clear...

The gdi version of cmdgfx produces bitmaps instead of text (but looks like text). It sometimes gives very noticeable speed increases. In general, use the non-gdi version.


Usage: cmdgfx [operations] [flags] [fgpalette] [bgpalette]

Drawing operations (separated by &):

poly     fgcol bgcol char x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,x4,y4...,y24]
ipoly    fgcol bgcol char bitop x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,x4,y4...,y24]
gpoly    palette x1,y1,c1,x2,y2,c2,x3,y3,c3[,x4,y4,c4...,c24]
tpoly    image fgcol bgcol char transpchar/transpcol x1,y1,tx1,ty1,x2,y2,tx2,ty2,x3,y3,tx3,ty3[...,ty24]
image    image fgcol bgcol char transpchar/transpcol x,y [xflip] [yflip] [w,h]
box      fgcol bgcol char x,y,w,h
fbox     fgcol bgcol char x,y,w,h
line     fgcol bgcol char x1,y1,x2,y2 [bezierPx1,bPy1[,...,bPx6,bPy6]]
pixel    fgcol bgcol char x,y
circle   fgcol bgcol char x,y,r
fcircle  fgcol bgcol char x,y,r
ellipse  fgcol bgcol char x,y,rx,ry
fellipse fgcol bgcol char x,y,rx,ry
text     fgcol bgcol char string x,y
block    mode[:1233] x,y,w,h x2,y2 [transpchar] [xflip] [yflip] [transform] [colExpr] [xExpr yExpr] [to|from]
3d       objectfile drawmode,drawoption[,tex_x_offset,tex_y_offset,tex_x_scale,tex_y_scale,tex_x_a,tex_y_a]
         rx[:rx2],ry[:ry2],rz[:rz2] tx[:tx2],ty[:ty2],tz[:tz2] scalex,scaley,scalez,xmod,ymod,zmod
         face_cull,z_near_cull,z_far_cull,z_levels xpos,ypos,distance,aspect fgcol1 bgcol1 char1 [...fgc32 bgc32 ch32]
insert   file

Fgcol and bgcol can be specified either as decimal or hex.
Char is specified either as a char or a two-digit hexadecimal ASCII code.
For both char and fgcol+bgcol, specify ? to use existing.

Bitop: 0=Normal, 1=Or, 2=And, 3=Xor, 4=Add, 5=Sub, 6=Sub-n, 7=Normal ipoly.

Image: 256 color pcx file (first 16 colors used), or gxy file, or text file.
If a pcx file is used, transpcol should be specified, otherwise transpchar. Always set transp
to -1 if transparency is not needed!

Gpoly palette follows '1233,' repeated, 1=fgcol, 2=bgcol, 3=char (all in hex).
Transform follows '1233=1233,' repeated, ?/x/- supported. Mode 0=copy, 1=move, 2-3=same as 0-1 but transparent color instead of char.

String for text op has all _ replaced with ' '. Supports a subset of gxy codes.

Objectfile should point to either a plg, ply or obj file.
Drawmode: 0=flat/texture, 1=flat z-sourced, 2=goraud-shaded z-sourced, 3=wireframe, 4=flat,
          5=persp. correct texture/flat, 6=affine char/persp col.
Drawoption: Mode 0 textured=transpchar/transpcol(-1 if not used!). Mode 0/4 flat=bitop.
            Mode 1/2: 0=static col, 1=even col. Mode 2: put bitop in high byte.

Use fgpalette/bgpalette to re-arrange colors in the final output, e.g. use fgpalette
0222222244444444 to let foreground colors 1-7 be color 2 and colors 8-15 be color 4.
[flags]: 'p' preserve buffer content, 'k' return code of last keypress, 'K' wait and return key,
         'e/E' suppress/pause errors, 'wn/Wn' wait/await n ms, 'M/m[wait]' return key and mouse bit
         pattern(see mouse examples), 'u' key up for M/m, 'Zn' set projection depth, 'o/O' save
         (/non-0) errorlevel to 'EL.dat', 'n' no output, 'z' sleep, 'S' start as server,
         'i' ignore servercmd.dat, 'Rn' rotation granularity, 'N/Nn' autocenter/scale 3d objects,
         'Gw,h' maximum gxy file width/height.


Usage: cmdgfx_gdi [operations] [flags] [fgpalette] [bgpalette]

Drawing operations (separated by &):

poly     fgcol bgcol char x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,x4,y4...,y24]
ipoly    fgcol bgcol char bitop x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,x4,y4...,y24]
gpoly    palette x1,y1,c1,x2,y2,c2,x3,y3,c3[,x4,y4,c4...,c24]
tpoly    image fgcol bgcol char transpchar/transpcol x1,y1,tx1,ty1,x2,y2,tx2,ty2,x3,y3,tx3,ty3[...,ty24]
image    image fgcol bgcol char transpchar/transpcol x,y [xflip] [yflip] [w,h]
box      fgcol bgcol char x,y,w,h
fbox     fgcol bgcol char x,y,w,h
line     fgcol bgcol char x1,y1,x2,y2 [bezierPx1,bPy1[,...,bPx6,bPy6]]
pixel    fgcol bgcol char x,y
circle   fgcol bgcol char x,y,r
fcircle  fgcol bgcol char x,y,r
ellipse  fgcol bgcol char x,y,rx,ry
fellipse fgcol bgcol char x,y,rx,ry
text     fgcol bgcol char string x,y
block    mode[:1233] x,y,w,h x2,y2 [transpchar] [xflip] [yflip] [transform] [colExpr] [xExpr yExpr] [to|from]
3d       objectfile drawmode,drawoption[,tex_x_offset,tex_y_offset,tex_x_scale,tex_y_scale,tex_x_a,tex_y_a]
         rx[:rx2],ry[:ry2],rz[:rz2] tx[:tx2],ty[:ty2],tz[:tz2] scalex,scaley,scalez,xmod,ymod,zmod
         face_cull,z_near_cull,z_far_cull,z_levels xpos,ypos,distance,aspect fgcol1 bgcol1 char1 [...fgc32 bgc32 ch32]
insert   file

Fgcol and bgcol can be specified either as decimal or hex.
Char is specified either as a char or a two-digit hexadecimal ASCII code.
For both char and fgcol+bgcol, specify ? to use existing.

Bitop: 0=Normal, 1=Or, 2=And, 3=Xor, 4=Add, 5=Sub, 6=Sub-n, 7=Normal ipoly.

Image: 256 color pcx file (first 16 colors used), or gxy file, or text file.
If a pcx file is used, transpcol should be specified, otherwise transpchar. Always set transp
to -1 if transparency is not needed!

Gpoly palette follows '1233,' repeated, 1=fgcol, 2=bgcol, 3=char (all in hex).
Transform follows '1233=1233,' repeated, ?/x/- supported. Mode 0=copy, 1=move

String for text op has all _ replaced with ' '. Supports a subset of gxy codes.

Objectfile should point to either a plg, ply or obj file.
Drawmode: 0=flat/texture, 1=flat z-sourced, 2=goraud-shaded z-sourced, 3=wireframe, 4=flat,
          5=persp. correct texture/flat, 6=affine char/persp col.
Drawoption: Mode 0 textured=transpchar/transpcol(-1 if not used!). Mode 0/4 flat=bitop.
            Mode 1/2: 0=static col, 1=even col. Mode 2: put bitop in high byte.

Fgpalette/bgpalette follows '112233,' repeated, 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue (all hex)

[flags]: 'p' keep buffer content, 'k' return last keypress, 'K' wait for/return key
         'e/E' suppress/pause errors, 'wn/Wn' wait/await n ms, 'M/m[wait]' return key
         and mouse bit pattern, 'u' key up for M/m, 'Zn' set projection depth, 'o/O' save (/non-0)
         errorlevel to 'EL.dat', 'fn[:x,y,w,h]' use font n(0-9,default 6), 'P' read/write buffer
         to 'GDIbuf.dat', 'n' no output, 'z' sleep, 'S' start as server,
         'i' ignore servercmd.dat, 'Rn' rotation granularity, 'N/Nn' autocenter/scale 3d objects,
         'Gw,h' maximum gxy file width/height, 'a' set 'f' flag position at pixel level.


Usage: cmdwiz [getconsoledim setbuffersize getconsolecolor getch getkeystate 
               flushkeys getquickedit setquickedit getmouse getch_or_mouse
               getch_and_mouse getcharat getcolorat showcursor getcursorpos
               setcursorpos printf saveblock copyblock moveblock inspectblock
               playsound delay stringfind stringlen gettime await getexetype 
               cache setwindowtransparency getwindowpos setwindowpos getdisplaydim
               getmousecursorpos setmousecursorpos showmousecursor insertbmp
               savefont setfont gettitle gxyinfo getpalette setpalette fullscreen
               gettitle getwindowstyle setwindowstyle] [params]
Use "cmdwiz operation /?" for info on arguments and return values