
Valkyrie folded keyboard (folded vertical dactyl on full size mx silent swityches) with removable stabilizer

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Valkyrie folded keyboard (folded vertical dactyl on full size mx silent swityches) with removable stabilizer VFK-001 top view



Pilot hands

I don't use hovering of hands or wrist rests. When typing, I keep my wrists on the table. vfk_fold

BOM (BOM - Bill of Materials)

  • 2 x Pro micro mcu
  • 2 x Headphone Audio Socket PJ-320A
  • 1 x 3.5 audio jack on 3.5 audio jack cable
  • 0.05 wire for hadnwires
  • 36 x 1N4148 wire diodes
  • 36 x Kailh hotswap socket
  • 36 x MX Switch (35g silent is best)
  • Pet-g fillament, two colors :)
  • 10 x m3 10mm hex screw (black is best)
  • 16 x m2 5mm hex screw (black is best)
  • 10 (14) x silicone bumpons 8mm
  • 8 x 10x2mm magnets for stabilizers mount

Internal layout

Internal layout

Handwire matrix

I'm building a matrix using sockets from kailh. Sockets give more reliability when soldering. Using a spatula to parse the phone, you can remove the switches without soldering. In this design, the bottom cover relies on the sockets too. The entire matrix is assembled from diodes. It works well. matrix promicro


Internal layout

Trackball option

It was difficult. But I was able to add a trackball. It can still be folded, but the ball must be removed before folding.

Trackball cluster mod Trackball wiring Trackball folding

Cluster modifications file:

  • Mofifed cluster in file - cluster tb.stl
  • Trackball module bottom - cluster bottom tb.stl
  • Full model with trackball cluseter - vfk-001 trackball 3360.step

3D Print

I used pet-g filament for printing and PrusaSlicer 2.5. I believe that it is necessary to use 3D glue to increase the adhesion of the printed table. I tried to make the keyboard as small as possible. Perhaps another filament will not be able to give the desired stiffness. It took me a while to print the arch and the bottom beautifully. Several models ended up in the trash can. I will attach a screenshot of the location of difficult to print models. Print front support Print arca custom support Print arca Print bottom 1 Print bottom 2