
Dotfiles for my XFCE desktop on Arch Linux.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

XFCE Dotfiles


This is what my configuration looks like.


This is meant for personal use but you can install it if you want. Instructions are below.


Install the required packages from the AUR.

yay -S ulauncher

Copy this repository's configuration files, themes, and shared assets & settings to their respective local directories on your machine.

cd xfce-dotfiles
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
cp -r .themes/* ~/.themes/
cp -r .local/share/* ~/.local/share/

You can now do the following:

  • Disable compositing
  • Set the window manager and application themes to Qogir-Dark
  • Set the panel layout in xfce4-panel-profiles
  • Set the default font to Cantarell 10
  • Set the icon theme to Tela Circle Dark
  • Set the wallpaper


Delete all entries in ~/.themes/Qogir-Dark/xfwm4 that start with top, bottom, left, and right to disable borders. Run:

cd `~/.themes/Qogir-Dark/xfwm4`
rm top-* bottom-* left-* right-*

Install lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings to set a theme for the display manager

  • You will need to copy your theme to /usr/share/themes/
  • You will need to copy your wallpaper(s) and user image(s) to `/usr/share/images/
  • You can also change the icons and top bar if you wish