
Docker image source for Postgres-XL, the scalable open-source PostgreSQL-based database cluster.

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Postgres-XL Docker

Postgres-XL Docker is a Docker image source for Postgres-XL, the scalable open-source PostgreSQL-based database cluster. The images are based on CentOS.

The images allow for arbitrary database cluster topologies, allowing GTM, GTM Proxy, Coordinator, and Datanode nodes to be created and added as desired. Each service runs in its own container, communicating over a backend network. Coordinator nodes also connect to a frontend network.

Previously, Postgres-XL Docker used pgxc_ctl for initialisation and control, running SSH servers as well as database services. This has now been completely redesigned to run database services directly without SSH, initialising using included helper scripts, and allowing full flexibility with regard to cluster topologies.

The pgxc_ctl binary continues to be compiled and provided in the image in case people find it useful, but this might change in the future, since the up-to-date recommended Postgres-XL Docker workflow is to not use it.

GTM https://hub.docker.com/r/tiredpixel/postgres-xl-gtm/
GTM Proxy https://hub.docker.com/r/tiredpixel/postgres-xl-proxy/
Coordinator https://hub.docker.com/r/tiredpixel/postgres-xl-coord/
Datanode https://hub.docker.com/r/tiredpixel/postgres-xl-data/


Instructions are for running on Docker using Docker Compose. It should be possible to boot an entire Postgres-XL cluster using these instructions. For running on Docker Swarm, you'll likely have to make minor tweaks. Please wave if something isn't clear or you have questions when doing this.

Note that the pg_hba.conf written is wide-open for any user on the backend network; if you use this method, be sure that you trust all users on that network, and isolate client connections using a frontend network. Alternatively, you might like to configure ident or md5, edit pg_hba.conf yourself, or not use the provided init.sh helper scripts.

These instructions, along with the provided docker-compose.yml file, create:

  • 1 GTM (master) (gtm_1)
  • 2 GTM Proxies (proxy_1, proxy_2)
  • 2 Coordinators (master) (coord_1, coord_2)
  • 2 Datanodes (master) (data_1, data_2)
                                  |  gtm_1   |
                                /             \
                              /                 \
                            /                     \
                          /                         \
              ------------                           ------------
              | proxy_1  |                           | proxy_2  |
              ------------                           ------------
               |          \                         /          |
               |        ------------        ------------       |
               |        | coord_1  |        | coord_2  |       |
               |        ------------        ------------       |
               |       /             \    /             \      |
               |     /                 \/                 \    |
         ------------      ------------/\------------      ------------
         |  data_1  |     /                          \     |  data_2  |
         ------------ ----                            ---- ------------

Other topologies are possible; you likely only need to edit docker-compose.yml, potentially setting additional environment variables, and adjust the initialisation steps below.


Create a .env file from exampled .env.example.

Edit docker-compose.yml to reflect the desired topology.

Build services by bringing them up; at the end of the build, services will shut down with a failure because of not yet being initialised:

docker-compose up

This will create backend (postgres-a) and frontend (postgres-b) networks. Extract the network address of the backend network, and add it to .env as PG_NET_CLUSTER_A, using the helper script:



Initialise each of the nodes using the supplied helper scripts:

for node in gtm_1 proxy_1 proxy_2 coord_1 coord_2 data_1 data_2
docker-compose run --rm $node ./init.sh

As part of the initialisation, pg_hba.conf rules are set to allow all traffic on the backend network (see warning above, and ensure that it is adequently protected or that you use an alternative).

Start the services, which should now boot and stay running:

docker-compose up


Prepare a clustering query, able to be executed on each node. Simplest is to use the same query for each node, open psql for each, and paste it into each. If you do this rather than crafting each line separately, expect some lines to error.

On coordinators and datanodes:

ALTER NODE data_1 WITH (TYPE = 'datanode');
ALTER NODE data_2 WITH (TYPE = 'datanode');
CREATE NODE coord_1 WITH (TYPE = 'coordinator', HOST = 'coord_1', PORT = 5432);
CREATE NODE coord_2 WITH (TYPE = 'coordinator', HOST = 'coord_2', PORT = 5432);
CREATE NODE data_1  WITH (TYPE = 'datanode',    HOST = 'data_1',  PORT = 5432);
CREATE NODE data_2  WITH (TYPE = 'datanode',    HOST = 'data_2',  PORT = 5432);
SELECT pgxc_pool_reload();

The ALTER lines fix the datanodes to have the correct types within the cluster. The CREATE lines specify the cluster topology, but the line for the localhost will fail. The pgxc_pool_reload() reloads the configuration.

Optionally, set preferred nodes. This could be a good idea if you've constrained nodes to run on specific hosts. For example, if you run coord_1 and data_1 on the same physical host, you might like to run this to ensure cross-network traffic is minimised.

On coord_1:

SELECT pgxc_pool_reload();

On coord_2:

SELECT pgxc_pool_reload();

View the topologies on each node:

SELECT * FROM pgxc_node;


Test the cluster using the instructions provided in http://files.postgres-xl.org/documentation/tutorial-createcluster.html.

For example, based on those instructions:

On a coordinator:

CREATE TABLE disttab (col1 int, col2 int, col3 text) DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(col1);
\d+ disttab
CREATE TABLE repltab (col1 int, col2 int) DISTRIBUTE BY REPLICATION;
\d+ repltab
INSERT INTO disttab SELECT generate_series(1, 100), generate_series(101, 200), 'foo';
INSERT INTO repltab SELECT generate_series(1, 100), generate_series(101, 200);
SELECT count(*) FROM disttab;
SELECT xc_node_id, count(*) FROM disttab GROUP BY xc_node_id;
SELECT count(*) FROM repltab;
SELECT xc_node_id, count(*) FROM repltab GROUP BY xc_node_id;


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Copyright © 2016-2017 tiredpixel. It is free software, released under the MIT License, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.txt.