
A Podman-based PowerDNS deployment, complete with a PowerDNS-Admin WebUI

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PowerDNS is an incredible project, and although it's already fairly easy to install and configure, I wanted to lower the bar for others even more so they can try it out for themselves and use it within their own labs. So I created and will continue to maintain this nascent project called podman-powerdns. In the future it will include deployments for Podman, Compose, and OpenShift.

Goals: Images

Each of the containers shall leverage small and well-maintained images.

  • pdns-server: Images should be built from fairly stable upstream Fedora sources, due to any potention issues with EPEL (otherwise I would be using UBI images)
  • pdns-recursor: Images should be built from fairly stable upstream Fedora sources, due to any potention issues with EPEL (otherwise I would be using UBI images)
  • pdns-mysql-80: Images will be built from UBI sources, so that I can take advantage of CVE fixes as well as environment variable (and ease of use on OpenShift, if ever required)

Image: MySQL-80 for PowerDNS
Image: PowerDNS Server
Image: PowerDNS Recursor


These are things planned for the project, once I get some more free time (starting the weekend of 04/01/23).

  • Improve security
    • Rootless containers
    • SELinux options
    • Containers running with correct user permissions for PDNS and PowerDNS-Admin
  • More controls
  • Persistent data
    • Add persistent data options for PowerDNS-Admin (investigate if this is really needed)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Determine why API key isn't carrying over to PowerDNS-Admin container (may require upstream work)
    • Determine why Host key isn't carrying over to PowerDNS-Admin container (may require upstream work)

Any suggestions or improvements will happily considered/added! Please feel free to reach out with a PR or issue.


To get started, use the following instructions. This project is just starting off, so I will make improvements soon. I'm having a really busy week, and I just wanted to throw this up as quickly as possible. All priveledges and SELinux requirements will be improved very soon. This is just a starting place for now.

There are three primary folders that you can get started with: mysql, pdns-server, and pdns-recursor. PowerDNS-Admin is a project maintained upstream, and the project can be found on GitHub HERE. You can use these base Dockerfile configs to build your own containers, if you wish.

Instructions on how to edit usernames, passwords, database names, and API keys will be provided below:

  1. Create the following directories on your Red Hat based system:
sudo mkdir -p {/opt/pdns/mysql,/opt/pdns/pdns,/opt/pdns/pdns-recursor,/opt/pdns/pdns-admin/data}
  1. Next, create the pdns Podman pod with the following command:
sudo podman pod create -p 3306:3306 -p 5300:5300 -p 5300:5300/udp -p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp pdns

Note: I will be improving this soon...

  1. Now, change the permission of /opt/pdns/mysql to user 27:27 and create the pdns-mysql container within the pdns Podman pod:
sudo chown -Rv 27:27 /opt/pdns/mysql
sudo podman run -d --pod pdns --name pdns-mysql -v /opt/pdns/mysql:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z quay.io/bjozsa-redhat/pdns-mysql-80:latest
  1. Once that container has fully started, populate the db schema for PowerDNS with the following commands
sudo podman exec -it pdns-mysql sh -c 'mysql -u pdnsadmin --password=pdnsadmin -p pdns < /tmp/pdns-schema.sql'
  1. You can test that the db was populated correctly with the following commands:
sudo podman exec -it pdns-mysql sh -c 'mysqlshow -u pdnsadmin --password=pdnsadmin  -p pdns;'
  1. Remove the schema initialization file provided, and make sure that it's removed:
sudo podman exec -it -u root pdns-mysql sh -c 'rm -rf /tmp/pdns-schema.sql'
sudo podman exec -it -u root pdns-mysql sh -c 'ls -asl /tmp/'
  1. Now run the PowerDNS recursor container:
sudo podman run -d --pod pdns --name pdns-recursor -v /opt/pdns/pdns-recursor:/etc/pdns-recursor:Z quay.io/bjozsa-redhat/pdns-recursor:latest
  1. Run the PowerDNS server container:
sudo podman run -d --pod pdns --name pdns-server -v /opt/pdns/pdns:/etc/pdns:Z quay.io/bjozsa-redhat/pdns-server:latest
  1. Lastly, run the PowerDNS-Admin webUI management container:
sudo podman run -d \
  -e SECRET_KEY='supersecretapikey' \
  --name=pdns-admin \
  -v pda-data:/opt/powerdns-admin/data \
  --network=host docker.io/ngoduykhanh/powerdns-admin:latest
  1. Now you can log into the PowerDNS-Admin website using port standard port 80 (http). NOTE: This will obviously be configurable soon

I will provide more later. I would recommend waiting until I get some rootless containers going, but for now this should just work (at least that's the hope anyway).