
New weapon effects to the Might and Magic 678 merge.

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION

Might and Magic 678 Weapon effects


The purpose of this mod is to give the weapon types in Might and Magic 678 merge a more disctinct feel. By using the default loadout every melee weapon type including Unarmed gets a different effect attached to it. There is also an extra effect attached to 2-Handed weapons.
I also wanted to make this mod flexible, you can attach whatever combination of weapon effects you want to a single weapon type, and attach different requirements for each weapon effect. The mod distinguish between effects that happens when the player hits a monster and effects that happens when a monster hits a player. Some effects like cleave can be used both circumstances.

Getting started

This mod requires the Might and Magic 678 Merge mod Copy the WeaponEffects.lua file into Scripts\Global folder. Your folder path might look something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Global

While the mod requires the merge mod converting it to Migth and Magic 8 and 7 should be quite easy, 6 might require a bit more work, but should still be quite easy. Open an issue request and I might just convert the mod to your favorite game!

Table of Contents

General mechanics

This mod does not in anyway remove or overwrite the original mechanics unlocked throught skill mastery. This mod adds additional effects to the physical combat skills of your player.

How it works (short version)

When a player attacks or get attacked the mod checks the player's hands and bow slot and extract the active skills. When player performs a melee attack only the hand slots will be used, if the player uses a bow/crossbow only the bow slot will be used. If a player is attacked all three slots will be checked.

All of the active slots can proc effects, and if two of these slots provide the same effect the effect can proc twice. For example with the default loadout daggers get additional crit chance. If the player dual wields dagger then there will be seperate calculation for each hand with the potential that both crits in the same attack. Damage effects like these will stack into a single burst of damage.

As mentioned there are two categories of effects, effects that trigger when players hits a monster and effects that trigger when a monster hits the player. Some weapon effects can only be used in one of these contexts while others can be used in both contexts: AN OVERVIEW OF THESE CAN BE SEEN LINK.

Damage calculation

Most weapon effects that deal bonus damage will do weapon damage if armed and unarmed damage if unarmed

Weapon damage:

  • Weapons dice damage + damage modifier. If weapon has 2d3 + 4 it will do 6-10 damage.

Unarmed damage:

  • 1d3 + unarmed skill damage + strength bonus

In addition the multiplier field is used. A multiplier of 1 will leave the damage unchanged, a multiplier of 2 will double the damage and a multiplier of 0.5 will halve the damage. For more about multiplier see Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Default loadout (short version)

All weapons including blasters and bow have the ambush effect which gives extra damage to unaware monsters (and peasants!) with full hp that are not in watch mode (unfortunately AIState standing also happens during combat). To interpret fields like Chance (1) see Weapon effect fields.


1-handed weapons:
  • Chance (1) of cleaving all surrounding monster on hit (Multiplier 1).
2-handed weapons:
  • Chance (1) of cleaving all surrounding monster on hit (Multiplier 1).
  • Chance (0.8) of cleaving all surrounding monster when player is hit (Multiplier 1). Screenshot


1-handed weapons:
  • Chance (1) to parry incoming damage (Multiplier 0). Screenshot
2-handed weapons:
  • Chance (1) to parry incoming damage (Multiplier 0).
  • Chance (0.5) to decapitate (instant kill) on hit Screenshot


  • Additional chance (1) to crit for a more substantial amount of damage (Multiplier 2) Screenshot


  • Extra damage when monster is below 50% hp. (Multiplier 1) Screenshot


  • Deals additional damage on monsters that are stunned or paralyzed (Multiplier 2) Screenshot


  • Deals additional damage on monsters that are stunned, paralyzed or fleeing, but with a lower damage multiplier then mace (Multiplier 1).
Bonus: Staff used with Unarmed GM also give the Unarmed weapon effect


  • Extra damage when player is below 75% hp. The damage will increase the lower the players hp is. The formula is Multiplier - HP /FullHP (Multiplier 2) Screenshot
Used 2-handed or with shield
  • Extra damage when player is below 50% hp (Multiplier 1)
  • True damage, passes physical damage reduction as long as the monster is not immune to physical damage

Bow and blaster

  • No additional effects added except ambush. Screenshot


  • Chance to stun all surrounding monster when player is hit Screenshot

Weapon effect fields

Chance - wefChance

Chance is a modifier that determines how big chance the effect has to proc. The calculation is done in two different ways depending on if the chance modifier is less or greater then 1.

Chance is 1 or greater:

  • Skill * Chance + Luck bonus

Chance is smaller then 1:

  • (Skill + Luck bonus) * Chance

Use GrayFace stats mechanic as reference to calculate Luck bonus from Luck https://grayface.github.io/mm/mechanics/#Statistics

Lets see how it works in practise: A player with sword skill of 12 and 60 luck (+9 bonus)

If the chance is 1: 12 * 1 + 9 = 21% chance of success If the chance is 1.5: 12 * 1.5 + 9 = 27% chance of success However if the chance is 0.5: (12 + 9) * 0.5 = 10.5% chance of success

Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Multiplier changes the power of the effect. If it is a damage bonus the damage will be multiplied with the multiplier, if it is a damage reduction like block/parry then the multiplier will be used on the incoming damage. If the resulting damage is a decimal number it will be floored to the nearest whole number.

How it works in practise: 11 damage with a multiplier of 2 will become 22 damage, but with a multiplier of 0.1 it will become 2.2 damage which will be floored to 2 damage. That means if you change the multiplier on weBlock to a greater number than 1 then a successfull block/parry will actually increase the damage taken!

Duration - wefDuration

Duration is how long an effect will last, by giving an effect a duration of 1 it will last 1 game minute. If played in real time 1 game minute last approximately 2 seconds. If you want the duration to last 1 second simply set duration to 0.5.

AIState - wefAIState

AIState is the state of the targeted monster. The state can be anything from stunned, dead, standing or attacking in melee. The different states can be found here: https://grayface.github.io/mm/ext/ref/#const.AIState

Power - wefPower

Power is used in when applying buff or debuff and determines what power that is applyed. List of offensive powers: https://grayface.github.io/mm/ext/ref/#const.MonsterBuff List of defensive powers (not implemented): https://grayface.github.io/mm/ext/ref/#const.PartyBuff and https://grayface.github.io/mm/ext/ref/#const.PlayerBuff

Lower Threshold - wefLowerThreshold

Used by effects like extra damage to monster when monster or players is between a certain damage threshold. Lower Threshold is inclusive, in the examples above one of the requirements for extra damage is that HP is equal or above the lower threshold. If lower threshold is 0.5 then HP needs to be equal or above 50%, if lower threshold is 0 then the criteria is automatically achieved

Higher Threshold - wefHigherThreshold

Used by effects like extra damage to monster when monster or players is between a certain damage threshold. Higher Threshold is inclusive, in the examples above one of the requirements for extra damage is that HP is equal or below the higher threshold. If higher threshold is 0.5 then HP needs to be equal or below 50%, if higher threshold is 1 then the criteria is automatically achieved.

Scale - wefScale

Used by weExtraDamageWhenPlayerCondition. If set to scaleWithLowHP it will deal additonal damage the lower the players HP/FullHP ratio is, if set to scaleWithHighHP it will deal additional damage the higher the HP/FullHP ratio is.

Weapon effects required fields

Ambush - weAmbush

  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Block - weBlock

  • Chance - wefChance
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Instant kill - weInstantKill

  • Chance - wefChance

Crit - weCrit

  • Chance - wefChance
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Greater cleave - weGreaterCleave

  • Chance - wefChance
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier

True damage - weTrueDamage

  • Chance - wefChance

Extra damage on monster condition - weExtraDamageOnMonsterCondition

  • AIState - wefAIState
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier
  • Chance - wefChance

Extra damage when monster HP is in threshold - weExtraDamageWhenMonsterHPThreshold

  • Chance - wefChance
  • Lower Threshold - wefLowerThreshold
  • Higher Threshold - wefHigherThreshold
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier

Extra damage when player HP is in threshold - weExtraDamageWhenPlayerHPThreshold

  • Chance - wefChance
  • Lower Threshold - wefLowerThreshold
  • Higher Threshold - wefHigherThreshold
  • Multiplier - wefMultiplier
  • Scale - wefScale (optional)

Apply monster buff - weApplyMonsterBuff

Apply monster buff on all hostiles in melee range - weApplyMonsterBuffOnAllInMeleeRange

Weapon effect requirements

Requirements are always optional.. Default loadout requires Grand Master to unlock all new weapon effects except for ambush.

Mastery - wefMastery

Mastery is the most common effect requirement and is based on the skill mastery of the skill used by the weapon/shield/unarmed the effect is attached to. The value in mastery is the minimum requirement for being able to activate the effect, if Mastery is Master both Master and Grand Master will satisfy the requirement. In default loadout all effects except ambush got GM (Grand Master) as a requirement. Valid values are: (https://grayface.github.io/mm/ext/ref/#const)

  • const.Novice
  • const.Expert
  • const.Master
  • const.GM

Extra requirements (weFieldsExtraReqs)

Inside extra requirements we can set additional requirements


This can contain one or multiple different equipable skills. To meet the requirement the player needs to one of these skills to be active on the other hand

Unused effects

  • Add debuff like stun, paralyze etc... to monster when hit
  • Other HP threshold variations extra damage when player or monster hp is between a certain threshold. For example it is fully possible to add extra dmg to monster with full or above 50% HP.

Detailed mechanics

The weapon effects follows the following structure:

            weapon effect procced when monster is hit
                extra Requirements
                    an extra requirement    
            weapon effect procced when player is hit
                weapon effect procced when monster is hit
                extra Requirements
                    an extra requirement    
            weapon effect procced when monster is hit
                extra Requirements
                    an extra requirement    
            weapon effect procced when player is hit
                weapon effect procced when monster is hit
                extra Requirements
                    an extra requirement    

Code example

local weaponEffects = {
    [const.Skills.Sword] = {
        [const.ItemType.Weapon - 1] = {
            [onHitMonster] =  {
                [weAmbush] = {
                    [weFieldsMultiplier] = defaultAmbushMultiplier
            [onHitPlayer] = {
                [weBlock] = {
                    [weFieldsChance] = 1,
                    -- damageFactor of 0 completely negates all damage, 
                    [weFieldsMultiplier] = 0,
                    [weFieldsMastery] = const.GM
        [const.ItemType.Weapon2H - 1] = {
            [onHitMonster] = {
                [weAmbush] = {
                    [weFieldsMultiplier] = defaultAmbushMultiplier
                [weInstantKill] = {
                    [weFieldsChance] = 0.5,
                    [weFieldsMastery] = const.GM
            [onHitPlayer] = {
                [weBlock] = {
                    [weFieldsChance] = 1,
                    -- damageFactor of 0 completely negates all damage, 
                    [weFieldsMultiplier] = 0,
                    [weFieldsMastery] = const.GM
    --- in reality all weapon types needs to be present not just sword
-- local struct.extraReqs = {
--     reqsMasteriesOr = { -- Only one of these mastery reqs must be met
--          --[[ 
--         [const.Skills.Sword] = const.GM,
--         [const.Skills.Staff] = const.GM    
--          --]]
--     }, 
--     otherHand = { -- Skill type used by other hand, only one of these reqs must be met 
--         --[[ 
--             [const.Skills.Shield] = true,
--             [const.Skills.Unarmed] = true   
--         --]]
--     }

    -- Not implemented
    -- masteriesAnd = { -- All these mastery reqs must be met
    --  --[[ 
    --     [const.Skills.Sword] = const.GM,
    --     [const.Skills.Staff] = const.GM    
    -- --]]
    -- },
    -- skillsOr = { -- Only one of these skill points reqs must be met
    --  --[[ 
    --     [const.Skills.Sword] = 7 
    -- --]]
    -- },
    -- skillsAnd = { -- All of these skill reqs must be met

    -- },
    -- raceOr = {  -- Passes as long as player race is one of these races
    --     --[[
    --         [const.Race.Elf] = true
    --     --]]
    -- }
-- }

Special thanks

For Lua and MMExtension tips!