

This project is a human resource management system based on JavaWeb development technology. MVC design pattern is adopted for design and development. HTML+javascript is adopted for front-end technology.The back-end uses servlet technology to build the communication interface between the front-end and the back-end, and uses JSON technology to define the data format. The back-end database is built by mysql, and the trigger technology is used to limit the illegal operation of the database.


windows 10; Eclipse for Java 2018(plugin +Enterprise java Developer Tools 3.11); firefox; tomcat9.x; Jdk1.8;

plugin installation:

Help ->eclipse Marketplace->Install the Eclipse Enterprise Java Developer Tools;

configuration items:

Window -> Preferences -> java -> Installed JRE -> Add -> Select the JDK installation directory; Preferences -> Server-> Runtime Enviroments -> Add -> Select Apache Tomcat V9.0 -> in the Apache directory;Next, configure the tomcat installation directory and configure the JRE option as JDK.

create project:

Window -> Perspective -> Open perspective -> Other -> Java EE; New project -> Dynamic Web Project; Project configuration Dynamic Web Moddle Version selects 4.0 -> Complete creation; Project attribute -> Project Facets -> View project configuration;

set up service:

Double-click the link under the Servers TAB to establish the service default configuration (do not publish the project while establishing the service); Double-click the service has been established under the Servers TAB to enter configuration, configuration under Server Locations bar service path (path) Server, the custom path for yours;Deploy Path is webApps (under server Path);