
Tool for uploading and downloading data for EthStorage network, utilizing the EIP-5018 standard for data.


With npm do

npm install ethstorage-sdk-ts
pnpm install ethstorage-sdk-ts



Init SDK

import { EthStorageNode as EthStorage } from "ethstorage-sdk-ts";

const rpc = "";
const privateKey =  "0xabcd...";
const ethStorage = new EthStorage(rpc, privateKey);


Deploy the implementation contract FlatDirectory for EIP-5018 standard.

// EthStorage Contract is the contract address where EthStorage is deployed on Layer 1.
const ethStorageContract = "0x804C520d3c084C805E37A35E90057Ac32831F96f";
await ethStorage.deploy(ethStorageContract);

Sepolia network can invoke the following methods:

await ethStorage.deploySepolia();

If FlatDirectory has already been deployed, you can set it.

const rpc = "";
const privateKey =  "0xabcd...";
const flatDirectory = "0xdcba...";

const ethStorage = new EthStorage(rpc, privateKey, flatDirectory);


Upload files to FlatDirectory.

You can set the file or folder path, and if it is a browser environment, you can also set the file object.

const fileOrPath = "/users/dist/test.txt";

await ethStorage.upload(fileOrPath);

If you want to upload data, use 'uploadData'

const fileName = "test.txt";
const filePath = "/users/dist/test.txt";
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

await ethStorage.uploadData(fileName, data);


Download data from the EthStorage network.

// Since the data is downloaded from ethstorage, the provided RPC should be an ethstorage RPC.
const ethStorageRpc = "";
const fileName = "test.txt";

const data = await, ethStorageRpc);


// Since the data is downloaded from ethstorage, the provided RPC should be an ethstorage RPC.

import { Download } from "ethstorage-sdk-ts";

const flatDirectory = "0xdcba...";
const ethStorageRpc = "";
const fileName = "test.txt";

const data = await Download(ethStorageRpc, flatDirectory, fileName);