
HTTP basic authentication to Elasticsearch 6.x;增加ip白名单属性

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

HTTP Basic auth for ElasticSearch 6.x

This plugin provides an extension of ElasticSearchs HTTP Transport module to enable HTTP basic authentication and/or Ip based authentication.

Requesting / does not request authentication to simplify health check configuration.

There is no way to configure this on a per index basis.

Version Mapping

Http Basic Plugin elasticsearch
v1.0.0 6.2.4+


Download the desired version from https://github.com/Cleafy/elasticsearch6-http-basic/releases and copy it to plugins/http-basic.


Once the plugin is installed it can be configured in the elasticsearch modules configuration file. See the elasticserach directory layout information for more information about the default paths of an ES installation.

Setting key Default value Notes
http.basic.enabled true true disables the default ES HTTP Transport module
http.basic.username "admin"
http.basic.password "admin_pw"
http.basic.log false enables plugin logging to ES log. Unauthenticated requests are
http.basic.ipwhitelist IP白名单 在此列表中的ip,可以不输入带入用户名密码即可访问es服务,用英文逗号,分割
always logged.

Be aware that the password is stored in plain text.

Http basic authentication

see this article

Configuration example

The following code enables plugin logging, sets user and password.提醒:属性的:后面需要加一个空格!!!

http.basic.enable: true
http.basic.log: true
http.basic.username: "some_user"
http.basic.password: "some_password"
http.basic.ipwhitelist: ip1,ip2,ip3


note: localhost is a whitelisted ip as default. Considering a default configuration with my_username and my_password configured.

Correct credentials

$ curl -v --user my_username:my_password no_local_host:9200/foo # works (returns 200) (if credentials are set in configuration)

Wrong credentials

$ curl -v --user my_username:wrong_password no_local_host:9200/    # health check, returns 200 with  "{\"OK\":{}}" although Unauthorized
$ curl -v --user my_username:password no_local_host:9200/foo       # returns 401


Please file your issue here: https://github.com/Cleafy/elasticsearch6-http-basic/issues