
ITE firmware manipulation toolkit

Primary LanguagePython


ITxxxx ToolKit

ITE firmware manipulation toolkit

Command line interface

Main tool of ITTK is now itetool.py. It allows to list content of ITEPKG image or extract files from it for further processing.

Its usage is:

usage: itetool.py [-h] [-l | -u [ID]] [-d DIR] file

positional arguments:
  file                  ITEPKG file to work on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            List container elements
  -u [ID], --unpack [ID]
                        Unpack element of ID to directory (default=-1=all)
  -d DIR, --directory DIR
                        Unpack to DIR, instead of CWD
  • to list contents of image file.itepkg: ./itetool.py -l file.itepkg
  • to unpack all data from file.itepkg: ./itetool.py -u -dout file.itepkg

Programming interfaces

import os
from itepkg.itepkg import ITEPKG
with open('sample.pkg') as fp:
    pkg = os.read(fp.fileno(), 0xffffffff)
i = ITEPKG.from_bytes(pkg)

After that i object contains parsed structure of ITEPKG file, with easy access to contained filesystem and SMEDIA02 containers.