To Do List

A program that allows users to input a list of items.

By Verna Santos and Jim Palowski


An application that takes a users input to submit into a list so they can add to a list:

Users can add a List together


Spec Input Output
Homepage User input any list Homepage with user input form
Program Gathers User Input User input: with a form to list items Output: The input is added into a list

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. To run this program, you must have a Atom, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JS downloaded.
  2. Install Atom, Bootstrap 3.3.7 and JS. Follow the link for installation instructions. Bootstrap - JS -
  3. Clone this repository.

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • Atom
  • CSS
  • JS
  • Bootstrap

Support and contact details

Email Verna Santos and Jim Palowski for comments, or concerns.


{This software is licensed under the MIT license}

Copyright (c) 2018 Verna Santos and Jim Palowski