
A simple, fast queue server

Primary LanguageC++

What is cheetah ?

Cheetah is a job queue server, it receive jobs from clients and distribute them to idle workers. It helds 2 small queues: waiting_workers and waiting_job. Cheetah pops two queues untill one of them is empty to identify job-worker tuple.

Cheetah focus on performace to beat some popular job queue libraries: bee-queue, bull-queue, kue-queue, agenda

Building cheetah

cd cheetah/
mkdir build/
cd build
cmake ..

Protocol specification

To communicate between client and server, cheetah defines 2 types of data: string and integer

  • For string the first byte is "+"
  • For integer the first byte is "-"
  • All of them are terminated by "\r\n"

For example:

  • 112233 is encoded to ":112233\r\n"
  • "hello" is encoded to "+hello\r\n"

A valid packet to send and receive must contain 4 fields: opcode (integer) | queue_name (string) | job_id (integer) | job_data (string). There are 6 types of packets:

  • be_a_worker (opcode = 0): client wants to be a worker
  • be_a_job (opcode = 1): client send a job to server
  • be_a_result (opcode = 2): worker reports result to server
  • be_a_progress (opcode = 3): worker reports progress to server
  • process_it (opcode = 100): server forces a worker to process a job
  • done_it (opcode = 101): server reports a result to client (who sent that job)
  • progress_it (opcode = 102): server reports progress to client (who send that job)

For example: a client to send a job with id = 10, queue = mul, data = '{"x":1,y:"2"}' to server

:1\r\n+mul\r\n:10\r\n+{"x":1,"y":2}\r\n (31 bytes)