
AI-based visual environment description service ("Be My Eyes")

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

AI Echo - AI & Cloud-Based Environment Description Service

AI Echo is a service that provides visually impaired people with a tool to describe their surroundings in real time. The service uses a combination of image recognition and language models to provide a detailed description of the environment. The service is open source and aims to enhance the independence and quality of life of visually impaired individuals.

Click here to try it out. 👀

Repository Overview

  • Frontend react-based frontend, for more information go to the README
  • Pipeline python-based sequential pipeline for processing images, for more information go to the README
  • Whipcapture adapted version of whipcapture, for more information go to the README


All components can be built & deployed using docker compose:

docker compose build && docker compose up

This will bring up all functional and infrastructure components, except for the public facing reverse proxy (not required for development):

Architecture diagram

  • whipcapture: can be built independently (see whipcapture or use the Dockerfile: cd whipcapture && docker build -t whipcapture .)
  • pipeline: can be developed locally (see pipeline, or use the Dockerfile: cd pipeline && docker build -t pipeline .)
  • frontend: use npm install && npm run dev in the frontend directory

For deployment, take care of the adequate TCP and UDP forwardings (see docker-compose.yml), configure the reverese proxy accordingly, and adapt the API URLs in the frontend. Additionally, a pipeline.env file is required in the pipeline directory (see pipeline for details). Also adapt the (currently hardcoded) server IP in the whipcapture Dockerfile. This is necessary for the streaming SDP exchange to work correctly.


We aim to provide a service that is aimed to give visually impaired people a tool to gather the most important parts of their surroundings, in real time. This should enhance their ability to solve problems such as finding their glasses. Though there are similar projects, such as "be my eyes", which crowdsources descriptions for images, or its collaboration with OpenAI "Be My Eyes Accessibility with GPT-4o", they are closed source, which our project is not. Furthermore, there are projects that aim to provide local only services, such as Whishper, which allows for transcription of videos or subtitling. Our differentiation is that we aim to provide the service in real time, with an open source approach. It is interesting to apply the use of LLMs and Image Recognition to Accessibility,as they allow for a fully automated and scalable aid, compared to services such as "be my eyes".


The client web app will send their video feed to the Backend, which will analyse the images and use 1 frame per second (fps) to perform image recognition of the objects. It will then return this output to the client and use the cumulative output of 5 stills to generate a description that will be sent to the client, where the built-in TTS of the browser will describe it to the client.


The frontend uses React and Next.js, and incorporates accessibility features, such as descriptive labels, as well as a high contrast option. It allows for adjustment of the output volume and the selection of the video input as well as audio output device. The client will hear the description from the built-in browser API Speech Synthesis, alongside a more detailed fully text-based history that shows the output of the individual frames. There is a Video Feed that shows the upstreamed video for control.


The Backend is written in Go, and it's pipeline can be seen in the figure above. First the 1 fps limit is enforced, and then similarity detection is performed on the image, comparing to the previous images. This is used as metadata, as the output needs to differ if there is constant change/movement compared to a static observer. After the similarity detection is performed, the image is fed into a image to text model. The output is sent back to the client, and to an LLM, which provides a short summary. Here the metadata that was gathered about the similarity of frames is relevant in the prompt used. The description is then sent to the client in text form. The prompt should also generate additional metadata that indicates if a message is urgent, such as tripping hazards.
