
Switch Package Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Switch Package Manager

build publish Sonar-reliability sonar-security sonar-maintainability sonar-coverage
npm-version npm-downloads node-engine volta js-standard-style license



Getting Started

When switching between JavaScript projects, it's often easy to forget which package manager should be used. JavaScript package managers aren't quite compatible either and each one resolves dependencies differently, so accidentally installing with npm could cause a yarn, pnpm or bun project to break.

swpm is a CLI that intends to solve this problem by unifying the most used commands for the most common Node Package Managers into one. It will recognize the Package Manager used on the project and automatically will translate those commands.

This is an example of how #swpm works. The same command, no matter the package manager used on the project.


We will start with most used command, then other commands will be added gradually.
Track the command progress implementation on CHEATSHEET.

Progress: 90% of commands included.


What things you need to install?


Install as global with any of this package managers

Package Manager Install Command
npm npm install swpm --location=global
yarn yarn global add swpm
pnpm pnpm install swpm --global
bun bun install -g swpm
volta volta install swpm

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The swpm will run the command switching automatically to the pinned Package Manager.

swpm <command> [args] [FLAGS]


With swpm --help it will show a command help resume.

swpm [<command>] [args] [FLAGS]

  swpm install [FLAGS]                   install packages from package.json
                                                                    [aliases: i]
  swpm add <package> [args] [FLAGS]      add package                [aliases: a]
  swpm remove <package> [args] [FLAGS]   remove package
                                                 [aliases: r, rm, uninstall, un]
  swpm update <package> [args] [FLAGS]   update package        [aliases: up, ud]
  swpm upgrade <package> [args] [FLAGS]  upgrade package to latest [aliases: ug]
  swpm interactive [args] [FLAGS]        update packages interactive
                                                                   [aliases: ui]
  swpm clean [FLAGS]                     clean packages             [aliases: c]

  -u, --use    use a package manager     [choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun"]
  -p, --pin    pin a package manager     [choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun"]
  -t, --test   test command (without running)
                                         [choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun"]
      --info   show information and versions                           [boolean]
      --alias  show command alias                                      [boolean]
      --help   Show help                                               [boolean]



By default, will install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json.

swpm install [args] [FLAGS]

Alias: i

This command installs a package and any packages that it depends on. If the package has a lock file, the installation of dependencies will be driven by that.

Args Alias Description
--frozen -F install dependencies from lock file (without updating it). Also known as ci
--package-lock -P install dependencies but don't read or generate a lockfile

The --package-lock argument is not available on bun Package Manager.


This command, no arguments, will add a package to local package.json file. Package will appear as dependencies by default.

swpm add <package> [args] [FLAGS]

Alias: a

swpm add <package> saves any specified packages into dependencies by default. Additionally, you can control where and how they get saved with some additional flags:

Args Alias Description
--save-dev -D Package will appear in devDependencies
--save-optional -O Package will appear in optionalDependencies
--save-peer Package will appear in peerDependencies
--save-exact -E Dependencies will be configured with an exact version rather than using default semver range operator
--global -g Remove the current package context as a global package


This command, no arguments, will remove a package to local package.json file. Package will be removed as dependencies by default.

swpm remove <package> [args] [FLAGS]

Aliases: r, rm, uninstall, un

Args Alias Description
--save-dev -D Package will be removed from devDependencies
--save-optional -O Package will be removed from optionalDependencies
--save-peer Package will be removed from peerDependencies
--global -g Remove the current package context as a global package


This command will update all the packages listed to the latest version (specified by the tag config), respecting the semver constraints of both your package and its dependencies (if they also require the same package). It will also install missing packages.

swpm update [<package>] [args] [FLAGS]

Aliases: up, ud

Args Alias Description
--global -g Update the current package context as a global package

It will not made modifications on package.json file


This command will upgrade the packages to the latest version, ignoring ranges specified in package.json.

It will save new version on package.json file

swpm upgrade <package> [args] [FLAGS]

Alias: ug

Args Alias Description
--save-exact -E Dependencies will be upgrade with an exact version rather than using default semver range operator
--global -g Upgrade the current package context as a global package

This command is not available on bun Package Manager.


Show outdated dependencies and select which ones to upgrade.

swpm interactive [FLAGS]

Alias: ui

Args Alias Description
--latest -L Updates all dependencies, ignoring ranges specified in package.json
--global -g Update the current package context as a global package

This command is not available on npm and bun Package Manager.


This command does not exist in the package managers, but is one of the most repetitive tasks, deleting files.

swpm clean [args]

Alias: c

Args Alias Description
--node-modules Delete node_modules folder
--lock Delete lock files
--log Delete log files
--build Delete build folder
--coverage Delete coverage folder
--all Run all args

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Shared Commands

There are commands that don't need the swpm translation tool, because share the same structure as all package managers.


init or create can be used to set up a new or existing package.

swpm init [--yes]
swpm create <name> [<args>]

To run these commands in a path where a package.json didn't exist add the flag --use <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun> at the end or setup an SWPM environment variable.


Login and logout to https://www.npmjs.com/.
Commonly used when you need to publish or admin packages.

swpm login
swpm logout

To run these commands in a path where a package.json didn't exist add the flag --use <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun> at the end or setup an SWPM environment variable.


This runs an arbitrary command from a package's "scripts" object.
If no "command" is provided, it will list the available scripts.

swpm run <command> [<args>]
swpm test
swpm build

You can run test and build "scripts" without the run prefix.


Commands to pack, publish, unpublish or deprecate a package on https://www.npmjs.com/.

swpm pack
swpm pack --pack-destination <path>
swpm publish
swpm unpublish <package>
swpm deprecate <package> <message>


See the local configuration, or setup default values.

swpm config list
swpm config set <key> <value>


swpm config set save-exact true
swpm config set save-prefix '~'

To run these commands in a path where a package.json didn't exist add the flag --use <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun> at the end.


outdated will check the registry to see if any (or, specific) installed packages are currently outdated.

swpm outdated [<package>] [--global]

To run this commands in a path where a package.json didn't exist with flag --global add the flag --use <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun> at the end or setup an SWPM environment variable.

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The swpx will execute the command switching automatically to the pinned Package Manager without previous installing the package.

swpx <command> [FLAGS]


With swpx --help it will show a command help resume.

swpx [<command>] [FLAGS]

  -u, --use    use a package manager     [choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun"]
  -t, --test   test command (without running)
                                         [choices: "npm", "yarn", "pnpm", "bun"]
      --info   show information and versions                           [boolean]
      --alias  show command alias                                      [boolean]
      --help   Show help                                               [boolean]
Package / Command sx <package> sx vitest
npm npx <package> npx vitest
yarn yarn dlx <package> yarn dlx vitest
pnpm pnpm dlx <package> pnpm dlx vitest
bun bunx <package> bunx vitest

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Quick and short aliases for swpm and swpx commands.

si - install

Package/Alias si
npm npm install
yarn yarn install
pnpm pnpm install
bun bun install

sif - install frozen

Package/Alias sif
npm npm ci
yarn yarn install --immutable
pnpm pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
bun bun install --no-save

sa - add

Package/Alias sa <package> sa vite
npm npm add <package> npm add vite
yarn yarn add <package> yarn add vite
pnpm pnpm add <package> pnpm add vite
bun bun add <package> bun add vite

sae - add save exact

Package/Alias sae <package> sae vite
npm npm add <package> --save-exact npm add vite --save-exact
yarn yarn add <package> --exact yarn add vite --exact
pnpm pnpm add <package> --save-exact pnpm add vite --save-exact
bun bun add <package> --save-exact bun add vite --save-exact

sad - add save dev

Package/Alias sad <package> sad vite
npm npm add <package> --save-dev npm add vite --save-dev
yarn yarn add <package> --dev yarn add vite --dev
pnpm pnpm add <package> --save-dev pnpm add vite --save-dev
bun bun add <package> --save-dev bun add vite --save-dev

sade - add save dev exact

Package/Alias sade <package> sade vite
npm npm add <package> --save-dev --save-exact npm add vite --save-dev --save-exact
yarn yarn add <package> --dev --exact yarn add vite --dev --exact
pnpm pnpm add <package> --save-dev --save-exact pnpm add vite --save-dev --save-exact
bun bun add <package> --save-dev --save-exact bun add vite --save-dev --save-exact

sag - add global

Package/Alias sag <package> sag eslint
npm npm add <package> --location=global npm add eslint --location=global
yarn yarn add global <package> yarn add global eslint
pnpm pnpm add <package> --global pnpm add eslint --global
bun bun add <package> --global bun add eslint --global
volta volta install <package> volta install eslint

srm - remove

Package/Alias srm <package> srm vite
npm npm uninstall <package> npm uninstall vite
yarn yarn remove <package> yarn remove vite
pnpm pnpm uninstall <package> pnpm uninstall vite
bun bun remove <package> bun remove vite

srg - remove global

Package/Alias srg <package> srg eslint
npm npm uninstall <package> --location=global npm uninstall eslint --location=global
yarn yarn remove global <package> yarn remove global eslint
pnpm pnpm uninstall <package> --global pnpm uninstall eslint --global
bun bun remove <package> --global bun remove eslint --global
volta volta uninstall <package> volta uninstall eslint

sup - update

Package/Alias sup [<package>] sup vite
npm npm update [<package>] npm update vite
yarn yarn upgrade [<package>] yarn upgrade vite
pnpm pnpm update [<package>] pnpm update vite
bun bun update [<package>] bun update vite

sug - upgrade

Package/Alias sug <package> sug vite
npm npm install <package>@latest npm install <vite>@latest
yarn yarn upgrade <package> --latest yarn upgrade vite --latest
pnpm pnpm update <package> --latest pnpm update vite --latest
bun N/A N/A

sui - interactive

Package/Alias sui <package>
npm N/A
yarn yarn upgrade-interactive
pnpm pnpm update --interactive
bun N/A

scr - create

Package/Alias scr <package> scr vite
npm npm create <package> npm create vite
yarn yarn create <package> yarn create vite
pnpm pnpm create <package> pnpm create vite
bun bun create <package> bun create vite

sc<?> - clean

Alias Command
scn swpm clean --node-modules
scl swpm clean --lock
scb swpm clean --build
scd swpm clean --dist
scc swpm clean --coverage
sca swpm clean --all

sp[?] - pin

Alias Command
sp swpm --pin <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
spn swpm --pin npm
spy swpm --pin yarn
spp swpm --pin pnp
spb swpm --pin bun

sr - run

Package/Alias sr <script> sr dev --port 3030
npm npm run <script> npm run dev -- --port 3030
yarn yarn run <script> yarn run dev --port 3030
pnpm pnpm run <script> pnpm run dev --port 3030
bun bun run <script> bun add dev --port 3030

sx - execute

Package / Command sx <package> sx vitest
npm npx <package> npx vitest
yarn yarn dlx <package> yarn dlx vitest
pnpm pnpm dlx <package> pnpm dlx vitest
bun bunx <package> bunx vitest

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Flags are important to swpm and swpx because can modify or set his behavior.


The <swpm|swpx> --use flag allows you to choose your Package Manager for a project.

swpm <command> [args] --use <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
swpx <command> [args] --u <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>

It will run the command using the selected Package Manager, no matter the swpm property in your package.json.


The swpm --pin flag allows you to choose your Package Manager for a project.

swpm --pin <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
swpm -p <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>

It will store the pinned Package Manager in the package.json file, so you can commit your choice of tools to version control:

+ "swpm": "<package-manager-name>"

You also can set it manually. Just take care writing a valid Package Manager: npm, yarn, pnpm or bun.


The <swpm|swpx> --test flag show the equivalent command using the selected Package Manager, but it will not run the command

swpm <command> [args] --test <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
swpm <command> [args] -t <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
swpx <command> -t <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>

It will show the command using the selected Package Manager, no matter the swpm property in your package.json.


The <swpm|swpx> --info flag show the current Package Manager used and some versions information.

swpm --info
swpx --info

It will search firs the swpm property on the package.json file, and if doesn't not found it, will try to infer the Package Manager in use with help of the lock's file.


The <swpm|swpx> --alias flag show the command aliases available.

swpm --alias
swpx --alias

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You can set a default or global pin Package Manager in order to avoid the --use flag on paths where no exist a package.json or --pin flag on each project.

Create an SWPM environment variable with one of this values <npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>.

OS Command
win setx SWPM "<npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>"
macOS echo 'export SWPM="<npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>"' >> <~/.bash_profile|~/.zshrc>
linux echo 'export SWPM="<npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>"' >> <~/.bash_profile|~/.zshrc>

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How infer the Package Manager?

swpm and swpx search some characteristics following this order.

Icon Stage
📌 Search the swpm property pinned on package.json file
📦 Search the packageManager property on package.json file
🌐 Search a SWPM environment variable
🔒 Search for a lock file

What can I use as Package parameter?

The <package> parameter should follow one of these structures:

[<@scope>/]<name>@<version range>
<git repo url>
<tarball file>
<tarball url>


swpm is compatible with monorepos. You can run it from any subdirectory and it will search upwards until it finds the closest package.json and lock file.

Non documented commands

swpm is not restrictive, if a command translations was not included yet, you can write the command as the package manager expect, then swpm will try to infer the package manager and preserve the rest of the command and arguments without changes and run them.

But, if you found one of this cases, please open a command compatibility issue.

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Built With

  • VS Code - Code editing redefined.
  • WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • Windows Terminal - A modern terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells.
  • Node.js - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Chalk - Terminal string styling done right.
  • Yargs - Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings.
  • common-tags - A set of well-tested, commonly used template literal tag functions for use in ES2015+.
  • update-notifier - Update notifications for your CLI app.
  • command-exists - node module to check if a command-line command exists.
  • ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
  • vitest - A blazing fast unit-test framework powered by Vite ⚡️.


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the swpm on GitHub.


If you want to help, spread the word of swpm in a project or web, please use this BRAND's images.



equiman TylerBarnes

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


If this project helps you, consider buying me a cup of coffee.

GitHub Sponsors paypal


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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