🪐 PyInstaller Guide 🪐

This repository explains how to use PyInstaller to convert Python scripts into standalone executables (.exe files).

With PyInstaller, you can secure and distribute your Python programs with ease.

📀 Example Scripts 📀

Here are some example scripts that demonstrate how PyInstaller works:


This is a simple Python script that prints "Hello, World!" to the console.

print("Hello, World!")


This is a more complex script that could include external dependencies and requires additional considerations when converting to an executable.

import sys

def main():
    print(f"Arguments: {sys.argv}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

🛠️ How to Convert a Python Script to an Executable 🛠️

Follow these steps to convert your Python script into an executable:

Navigate to the directory containing your script:

cd path/to/your/script

Run PyInstaller to create the executable:

pyinstaller --onefile hello_world.py

🔒 PyInstaller Settings 🔒

--key Setting

The `--key` setting in PyInstaller is used for encryption. It specifies a key to encrypt the content of the bundled executable.

This can be useful if you need to protect the source code or sensitive data.

Example usage:

pyinstaller --onefile --key YOUR_SECRET_KEY your_script.py

In this command, `YOUR_SECRET_KEY` is a string you provide. PyInstaller will use this key to encrypt the content of the executable, making it harder to reverse-engineer.

README.md inspired by https://github.com/billythegoat356/