The common tools for go.
- bit hacks for bit.
- datetime parse, format, others.
- file base file ops.
- ip parse, match, convert, info.
- json support multi json packages.
- number round, bytes convert.
- otp
. - random rand, random.
- str common string utils.
- uuid requestID, go.uuid, ksuid, xid.
- xlo some utils ref lo, more pls use lo directly.
go get -u
If test failed, maybe effected by the inline, you can try:
go test -v -gcflags=all=-l xxx_test.go
- release check:
- coverage:
make cover
- format check:
make fmt-check
- format fixed:
make fmt
- misspell check:
make misspell-check
- golang lint:
make golangci
- escape analysis:
make escape
orESCAPE_PATH=ip make escape