
Run Ubuntu 21.04 with pre-installed Desktop Environments in android/termux with ease! Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ubuntu-21.04 on android

Ubuntu-on-android aims to run ubuntu with pre-installed Desktop Environment, development tools, and software on top of android without root with the help of proot in termux application. This project just like any other linux on android projects but with aim of making it easy for end user on setting up linux.

Support Server

codename = udroid

current releases

Distribution XFCE4 MATE RAW
- - - -

Early Release

Distribution XFCE4 MATE RAW
Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) - - โœ”
Ubuntu Kinetic (22.10) - - โœ”

End of Life distros

Distribution XFCE4 MATE RAW
Ubuntu hirsute (21.04) โœ” X โœ”
Ubuntu focal (20.04) โœ” X โœ”
Ubuntu Impish (21.10) โœ” โœ” โœ”

Arch support

arch status
arm64 stat
armv7l stat
armv8l stat
amd64 stat
Others not started


Just before starting the installation, you can check this.


# download installer
curl -L -o install.sh https://bit.ly/udroid-installer
# run the installer
bash install.sh
# Install ubuntu with this command
udroid -i xfce4
udroid -l xfce4

for more see here.

Some Screenshots

udroid mate screenshot udroid xfce4 running glxgers & vscode udroid xfce4 running libre draw More can be found here.

for building custom linux tarballs go here



these people are fuel for this project


MIT Copyright (c) 2021 Saicharan Kandukuri

feel free to contribute to this repo๐Ÿค