ZC702 Video Mixer Output Flow

  • This article mainly explains how to use the official demo to output Video Mixer via ADV7511 HDMI on ZC702

Last update: 2024/05/18

  • Vivado Version: 2021.1

  • Vivado 2020.1, 2020.2, and 2021.1 have known bugs related to image processing IPs such as VPSS, Video Mixer, and Video Multi-Scaler, which may cause issues during synthesis. You can refer to the following link for troubleshooting:

Vivado HLS - 2021.1 - Why does synthesis stall when using Windows OS?

0. After downloading the zip file from the above link, extract it to the C drive. Then, add an environment variable and restart Vivado to resolve the issue

Build ZC702 Block Design on Vivado

1. Refer to the ZC702 HDMI Block Design, and add Video Mixer and two GPIOs

  • ZYNQ7 Processing System

  • Video Test Pattern Generator

  • AXI4-Stream to Video Out

  • Video Timing Controller

  • Clocking Wizard


  • AXI4-Stream Subset Converter

  • GPIO-0

  • GPIO-1

  • Video Mixer

  • AXI Interconnect

  • Connect the above IPs – do not connect 'sof_state_out'

Run Connection Automation – Select 148 MHz for all Clock Sources

2. Add the XDC content, which can be downloaded from this link

Alternatively, you can find the file in 'XVES_0019\src\constr\ZC702.xdc'

Remember, the HDMI output port must match the port names specified in the XDC file

Modify the XDC content

3. Create HDL Wrapper & Generate Bitstream

4. This step will export the XSA to Vitis for writing C code to control the FPGA

Build ZC702 Application on Vitis

5. Open Vitis and import the XSA to create the Platform

  • After creating the Platform, proceed with the Build to generate the linking files

6. Select BSP and create an Application using the official Video Mixer Example Code provided

7. Import the previously written code for ZC702 HDMI to write to the ADI HDMI Chip

8. Open 'xv_mix_example.c' and add the following code snippets

  • main function

  • The build has an error because the GPIO names do not match Vivado. They need to be changed

9. Right-click on the application and select "Run as" -> "1 Launch Hardware" to view the results

  • ZC702 Hardware Configuration

  • Result