Special Topics in Machine Learning (NTU 2018 Fall)

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Special Topics in Machine Learning (SDML) at NTU 2018 Fall. This repo includes codes of projects in the SDML course, NTU. Only some of them are shown here:

  1. Graph Embedding
  2. Recommendation System
  3. Controlled Text Generation
  4. Clustering (not included in this repo)
  5. Real Time Bidding (not included in this repo)


  • Task:
    • Link Prediction
  • Feature:
    • Graph (node id + edge)
  • method:
    • DeepWalk, Node2Vec, Graph Convolutional Networks
    • Cosine Similarity ----> Threshold


  • Task:
    • link prediction
  • Feature:
    • Graph (node id + edge), Title, Abstract
  • method:
    • DeepWalk, Node2Vec, Graph Convolutional Networks
    • Cosine Similarity, Word Embedding, Graph Features (jaccard distacne, degree..) ----> Classifiy


  • Task:
    • Link Prediction
  • Feature:
    • Graph (node id + edge), Title, Abstract, Time
  • method:
    • Nearly the same to HW1-2
    • Auto Feature Generation and Selection


  • Task:
    • Food Recomendation (no repeat)
  • Feature:
    • User Rating
  • method:
    • WARP loss
    • Cocurrence Matrix ----> DeepFM