
Error Loading Wallet

Beaverbruck opened this issue · 5 comments

I am not able to access my wallet from Daedalus. I paired my Ledger S to the Daedalus wallet.
Today, I tried to access my wallet in adalite. I have been opening my Ledger S in Ledger Live then closing Ledger Live. I have the Cardano app open on the device. I then open Adalite and try to connect my ledger S. I keep getting the error message which reads: DeviceStatusError: General error 0x6e01. Please make sure that the Cardano Ledger App is opened before initiating the collection. I'm running Windows 10. Ledger Live is running the most recent version(2.34.2) and just two days ago I uninstalled and the reinstalled Cardano App. ver. 2.4.1 I tried this on Google Chrome as well as Microsoft Edge and tried everything on two different computers. What am I doing wrong? I really need some help. It seems as though, it doesn't recognize that the app is open in the Nano S. Thanks

Hi @Beaverbruck, as the error suggests, you not only need to install the Cardano app, but you have to select and open it on your Ledger device. Moreover, the Ledger Live app must be closed when interacting with Adalite, otherwise it interferes with your Ledger device, making the connection with Adalite fail. The Ledger device can interact only with one app at a time

can you elaborate? what is the issue with staking rewards?

Hi @Beaverbruck sorry for the late reply. The message you are referring to is a general warning referring to the service we are fetching the history from. You can read more on it in our wiki: