
Crypto Address Relation

Primary LanguageRust

Crypto Addresses Relation

Find information about addresses and sort them by service and tags. It starts with storing data in the PG and querying data using the GIN extension. But we do not know the direction of performance. If we want to process all data before the query or get relevant information during the query.

Set parm database URL before.


Identify a kind of service under the blockchain. For example Dex, Web3 game, etc.


Tak the address with information like money, sports game, etc.


If you want to set up the database using the provided docker compose file:

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@"
docker-compose up -d

Or if running locally:

export DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@"

Then run:

cargo install sea-orm-cli
sea-orm-cli migrate up
cargo run

== Frontend

cd frontend
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk
trunk serve