
Error signing or witnessing alonzo-era transactions

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When trying to sign or witness alonzo-era transactions (built with cardano-cli transaction build or, when using newer cardano-cli versions, also with cardano-cli transaction build-raw but wothout the --mary-era parameter), the transactions signing or witnessing fails with the following error message:

Error: Invalid raw transaction CBOR

The same error was in the previous version. I did many transactions since then, with different cardano-cli versions. I am using a Ledger Nano X, and I also used different firmware version of ledger, nothing changes. Last try was a few minutes ago, using the newest stable versions of everything (cardano-cli, cardano-hw-cli, ledger firmware).

hw-cli and the cardano-app is not alonzo-transaction compatible yet. there will be an update soon.

it was already reported here: #89

You can easily downgrade to cardano-cli-1.31.0 like this ...

alias cardano-cli="docker run -it --rm \
  -v ~/cardano:/var/cardano/local \
  -v node-ipc:/opt/cardano/ipc \
  nessusio/cardano-node:1.31.0 cardano-cli"

for example if you need to change the pool config. This should work on all platform (i.e. on arm64 as well)

Just make a --mary-era transaction, thats it. No need for a node rollback.

I made many updates since I posted that (last one yesterday), I always used --build-raw with --mary-era, with the latest cardano-node and cardano-cli versions available. This is not why I opened the issues. I opened the issue because I want it to be fixed, and I did not see other similar issues opened, so I did not know if it is a known problem. Then gitmachtl replied with another issue reporting the same problem.
From what I understand, a fix will probably be released in 2-3 months (because of the long reviews.

Ledger app v4.0.0 with Alonzo support has been released. Here is the accompanying hw-cli release:
Should there be any trouble, feel free to open a new issue.