
Compare different methods of syncing historical transaction data on Cardano to a regular DB.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cardano Transactions History DB

The goal of this project is to compare the different available methods to store historical Cardano transactions data in a regular database.



All folders in the implementations/ directory are the different possible implementations of saving transaction data to a database. Each folder contains a README.md file with instructions and conclusionson.

  • default network is preview (testnet) for all implementations (can be changed by setting the NETWORK environment variable before running the scripts)


The database is a simple PostgreSQL database with a single table called transactions. Setup and usage instructions are in database/README.md.

Smart Contract

For now we are using a simple smart contract which send simple transactions + mint and send NFTs. We store only the offchain code of the smart contract in the repository. Setup and usage instructions are in smart-contract/offchain/README.md.