
File downloader for vadapav.mov

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Command line downloader for vadapav.mov, it replicates the directory structure on website.


Option 1: Download Pre-built Binary

  1. Go to the Releases page of this repository.
  2. Download the appropriate binary for your platform (e.g., bricks-linux for Linux, bricks-windows.exe for Windows).
  3. Rename the downloaded binary to bricks.

Option 2: Build from Source

  1. go build -o bricks cmd/bricks/main.go


The basic usage of bricks is as follows:

./bricks [options]
  • [options]:
    • -path (default: "."): Specifies the download path on your local machine.
    • -n (default: 3): Specifies the number of parallel file downloads. (Note: Limited to a maximum of 5 parallel downloads to prevent DDOS.)


./bricks --path=Downloads/


  • Retry capability
  • Better progressbar