
Prometheus Exporter for the current Defcon state in BK/UK (source MI5)

Primary LanguagePHP

Defcon Thread Level

A Prometheus ready Exporter wich scrapes the current Defcon Thread level from the . The Exporter is writen in PHP and can placed on every Webserver who can server PHP.


Just clone this Repo and place the index.php into a desired location on your Server.

git clone https://github.com/vaddi/defcon.git

After the Endpoint is avalable from your Prometheus, you can add them in the as a new Target to your prometheus.yml File:

  - job_name: 'defcon'
    scrape_interval: 6h
    scrape_timeout: 1m
    metrics_path: '/defcon'
      - targets: ['host.domain.tld:80']


  • a running PHP Webserver
  • PHP >= 7.1
  • simpleXML - Neccessary to parse the XML Data.
  • A Prometheus instance where you can define this Eporter as an Metrics Endportn