
🌐 Grab your own subdomain (for personal sites, open-source projects, and more) for free

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Tests Status Deploy Status

Free subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more. Here is a list of supported domain names:

Domain name Features
*.is-an.app cf dnssec ssl
*.1bt.uk cf dnssec

Wildcards (like *.foo.is-an.app) are supported too, but the reason for their registration should be very clear and described in detail.


First of all, I want to answer one important question - "Why are you giving out domains for free?". Because sometimes I need domains for my pet projects, and instead of buying new domains every time, I decided to buy one for everyone, and use subdomains. And why not share them with the community?

Domains settings

Option *.is-an.app *.1bt.uk
SSL/TLS * Full Flexible
Always Use HTTPS *
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Minimum TLS Version * TLS 1.2 TLS 1.2
Opportunistic Encryption, TLS 1.3 *
WAF (Web Application Firewall) * ✅ (Medium Security Level) ✅ (Medium Security Level)
Browser Integrity Check *
Caching Level, Browser Cache TTL * Standard, 4 hours Standard, 4 hours
Crawler Hints *
HTTP/2, HTTP/2 to Origin, HTTP/3 (with QUIC) *
0-RTT Connection Resumption *
gRPC, WebSockets *
Pseudo IPv4 * Add header Add header
IP Geolocation (HTTP header CF-IPCountry) *
Maximum Upload Size * 100 MB 100 MB

* Available only when proxying ("proxy": true) is enabled

How to get one?

  1. Star and fork this repository (follow this guide if you don't know how to make a contributions)
  2. Add a new file called <your-subdomain-name>.<root-domain>.json in the ./domains folder to register <your-subdomain-name> subdomain
  3. Edit it (below is just an example, provide a valid JSON file with your needs, the format is very strict; format you can check here):
  "$schema": "../schemas/domain.schema.json",
  "description": "<describe your project in this field>",
  "domain": "<is-an.app or 1bt.uk - select one>",
  "subdomain": "<your subdomain name>",
  "owner": {
    "repo": "<https://URL/to/the/repository/with/subdomain/content/sources>",
    "email": "<your-public@email.address>"
  "record": {
    "CNAME": "<cname-domain>",
    "TXT": ["list", "of", "required", "txt", "records"],
    "A": ["list", "of", "IPv4", "addresses", "like", "a", ""],
    "AAAA": ["list", "of", "IPv6", "addresses", "like", "a", "::1"],
    "NS": ["list", "of", "nameservers"]
  "proxy": false // disable the CF proxy, proxying is always enabled by default

For the more details about the format, please, check the JSON schema

  1. Your pull request will be reviewed and merged. Please, don't ignore the PR checklist. If you ignore this repository rules, your PR will be ignored too. Make sure to keep an eye on it in case we need you to make any changes!
  2. After the pull request is merged, please allow up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate (usually, it takes 5..15 minutes)
  3. Enjoy your new domain!

Domains, used for illegal purposes will be removed and permanently banned. Please, provide a clear description of your resource in the PR.

If you don't know...

  • What is GitHub pages and how to set up a custom domain, read the docs here
  • The difference between A, CNAME, and other record types, the article on Wikipedia is here

🔍 A few similar services can be found here.