
Google Maps search results, sorted right

Primary LanguageClojure

Best places on Google Maps

Warning: you can spend a lot of money on Maps API . The free tier lets you make a single digit number of (best-places) calls. If you make more, Google will charge you, and it's easy to get into thousands of dollars. For a cheaper solution check out top-rated.online


Google maps is good at almost everything. One thing it's terrible at, however, is sorting your search results. I found empirically that the best restaraunts/shops/anything are ones with a very high rating and 1000s of reviews. Ratings based on a small number of reviews are unreliable. So I prefer to sort them by

(stars - 4) * reviewCount


Set GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable to your Google Maps API key. Call (best-places query), i.e. (best-places "restaurants in san francisco").