
watch GIFs while running npm install

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


So, it works exactly as advertised, watch GIFs right in your terminal while npm install is running.

Note: Currently, GIFs are only displayed inline for users of iTerm2 using version 2.9 or greater. If you are not using a supported version of iTerm2, GIFs will open in your default browser.



$ npm install gifi --global


Replace npm with gifi and you're done:

$ gifi install koa --save

Key to happiness

Alias npm to gifi and you're golden, npm install will never be boring again. As a matter of fact, after using gifi you'll want npm install to be slower, because you don't have enough time to watch all those great GIFs.

Add this to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

alias npm=gifi


MIT © Vadim Demedes