
Koa-like framework for CLI tools.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

sushi Build Status Coverage Status

Koa-like framework for CLI tools. Everything is a middleware.


$ npm install sushi --save



const sushi = require('sushi');
const parse = require('sushi-parse');
const help = require('sushi-help');

const app = sushi();


app.use('hello', help('Help for "hello" command'));
app.use('hello', () => {
  console.log('hello command');

app.use('index', help('Help for "index" command'));
app.use('index', () => {
  console.log('index command');



$ node mycli.js hello
hello command

$ node mycli.js hello --help
Help for "hello" command

$ node mycli.js
index command

$ node mycli.js --help
Help for "index" command

Getting Started

Sushi is a middlewayer layer for CLI apps. It's what Connect is to Express.

Create an app

To initialize Sushi, create its instance, called an "app":

const app = sushi();

Use middleware

Middleware are generator functions, executed one-by-one (serially) until a function does not call next, which passes execution onto the next middleware.

app.use(function * middleware1(next) {
  yield next;

app.use(function * middleware2(next) {
	yield next;

Middleware can also abort execution by throwing an error:

app.use(function * (next) {
  throw new Error('Fatal error');

app.use(function * (next) {
  // won't be executed

Mount middleware

The .use() method also takes an option path string that is matched against the first non-flag argument.

app.use('start', function * (next) {
	yield next;

// equivalent to app.use(fn)
app.use('*', function * (next) {
	yield next;


$ node mycli.js start

$ node mycli.js stop

Error handling

Error handling is the same as in Koa framework. Write a middleware that wraps next middleware into try/catch:

app.use(function * (next) {
	try {
		yield next;
	} catch (err) {
		// handle error

When one of the middleware or command itself throws an error, error event is emitted:

app.on('error', err => {
	// err is the Error instance

You can use it to display a friendly error message, report it, etc.


Command is the last function in the middleware stack. Unlike middleware, it can be anything: async function, "regular" function or function that returns a Promise. Make sure you add commands after the middleware.

app.use('start', () => {
	// regular function

app.use('stop', async () => {
	// async function

app.use('restart', () => {
	// function that returns a Promise
	return Promise.resolve();

app.use('shutdown', function * () {
	// and of course, generator function

Run application

After all the middleware is added, run the application using .run() method.


Optional array of arguments can be supplied to be used instead of process.argv when parsing arguments.

const argv = ['my', 'fake', 'arguments'];

The .run() method returns a Promise, so you can get notified when the application finishes its execution or an error is thrown.

	.then(() => {
		// all done
	.catch(err => {
		// oh no, there's an error


Here's the list of middleware you can use with Sushi:

  • help - help messages


MIT © Vadym Demedes