
Nexmo CLI (Command Line Interface)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nexmo CLI

npm version Build Status

Installation | Usage | Contributing | License


The Nexmo CLI requires NodeJS 4 or above. If you don't have Node installed on your system goto (https://nodejs.org/en/download/) and download the appropriate installer for your system.

Install the nexmo-cli from NPM.

npm install nexmo-cli -g

Note: you may need root/admin privileges to install the CLI globally.

Then set up the CLI with your Nexmo API key and secret:

> nexmo setup <api_key> <api_secret>
Credentials written to /Users/yourname/.nexmorc

This will save your credentials to ~/.nexmorc. If you want to use different credentials per project you can pass the --local flag as follows:

> nexmo setup <api_key> <api_secret> --local

This will save the config to your local folder instead.


Flags | Account | Pricing | Numbers | SMS | Applications | Linking | Insight | JWT


Use --quiet to silence all but errors and warnings, and use --verbose to get more detailed output.


Account login

> nexmo setup <api_key> <api_secret>
Credentials written to /home/username/.nexmorc

Alias: nexmo s.

Account info

> nexmo account
API Key:    <api_key>
API Secret: <api_secret>

Account balance

> nexmo balance
18.96 EUR

> nexmo balance -v
18.9589 EUR

Alias: nexmo b


Price to send an SMS to a number

> nexmo price:sms 44555555555
0.03140000 EUR

Alias: nexmo ps

Price to make a call to a number

> nexmo price:voice 44555555555
0.02400000 EUR

Alias: nexmo pv

Price for outbound SMS per country

> nexmo price:country GB
0.03140000 EUR

> nexmo price:country LU -v

network           | mtPrice
POST Luxembourg   | 0.01280000
Orange Luxembourg | 0.01280000
Join Experience   | 0.01280000
Tango             | 0.01280000

Alias: nexmo pc


List all numbers on your account

  • Optional flags:

    • --size the amount of results to return
    • --page the page of results to return
    • --pattern <pattern> to be matched in number (use * to match end or start of number)
> nexmo numbers:list

> nexmo numbers:list --verbose
Item 1-3 of 3

msisdn      | country | type       | features  | voiceCallbackType | voiceCallbackValue | moHttpUrl | voiceStatusCallbackUrl
31555555555 | NL      | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com
44655555555 | GB      | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com
44555555555 | GB      | mobile-lvn | SMS       | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com

Alias: nexmo nl, nexmo numbers and nexmo number:list.

Search for new numbers


  • country_code - an ISO 3166-2 country code for the country you are trying to find a number for.

  • Optional flags:

    • --pattern <pattern> to be matched in number (use * to match end or start of number)
    • --voice to search for voice enabled numbers
    • --sms search for SMS enabled numbers
    • --size the amount of results to return
    • --page the page of results to return
> nexmo number:search US

> nexmo number:search NL --sms --pattern *007 --verbose
msisdn      | country | cost | type       | features
31655551007 | NL      | 3.00 | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS
31655552007 | NL      | 3.00 | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS
31655553007 | NL      | 3.00 | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS

Alias: nexmo ns and nexmo numbers:search.

Buying a number


  • number - The number to buy
  • or country_code and pattern - The country and search pattern to find a number for and directly buy.
> nexmo number:buy 12069396555
Buying 12069396555\. This operation will charge your account.

Please type "confirm" to continue: confirm

Number purchased

> nexmo number:buy US *555
Buying 12069396555\. This operation will charge your account.

Please type "confirm" to continue: confirm

Number purchased: 12069396555

> nexmo number:buy 12069396555 --confirm
Number purchased: 12069396555

Alias: nexmo nb and nexmo numbers:buy.

Cancelling a number

> nexmo number:cancel 12069396555
This is operation can not be reversed.

Please type "confirm" to continue: confirm

Number cancelled: 12069396555

> nexmo number:cancel 12069396555 --confirm
Number cancelled: 12069396555

Alias: nexmo nc and nexmo numbers:cancel.

Update a number

For shortcuts of these options see Linking.

> nexmo number:update 445555555555 --voice_callback_type app --voice_callback_value asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345
Number updated

Alias: nexmo nu and nexmo numbers:update.


Send an SMS

Send a message through Nexmo to any number. Either provide a from number, name, or leave it blank to sends as "Nexmo CLI".

> nexmo sms <destination_number> Hello world! --confirm
Message sent to:   <destination_number>
Remaining balance: 26.80110000 EUR
Message price:     0.03330000 EUR

> nexmo sms  <destination_number> Hello world! --from "Acme Inc" --confirm
Message sent to:   <destination_number>
Remaining balance: 26.80110000 EUR
Message price:     0.03330000 EUR

Note: Some carriers (e.g. US and Canadian) do not allow alphanumeric senders. In these cases you must use one of your Nexmo virtual numbers in the from parameter. For example:

nexmo sms <to_number> Hello world! --from <from_number> --confirm


List your Applications

  • Optional flags:

    • --size the amount of results to return
    • --page the page of results to return
> nexmo app:list
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd123 | Test Application 1
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd234 | Test Application 1
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 | Test Application 2

> nexmo app:list --verbose
Item 1-3 of 3

id                                   | name
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd123 | Test Application 1
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd234 | Test Application 1
asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 | Test Application 2

Alias: nexmo al and nexmo apps.

Create a new Application


  • name - the custom name of your application.

  • answer_url - the URL where your webhook delivers the Nexmo Call Control Object that governs this call.

  • event_url - the url the platform sends event information asynchronously to when the call_status changes

  • Optional flags:

    • --keyfile <keyfile> the file to save your private key to
    • --type <type> the product you want to access with this application. (Default: voice)
    • --answer_method <answer_method> the http method for the answer_url. (Default: GET)
    • --event_method <event_method> the http method for the event_url. (Default: GET)
> nexmo app:create "Test Application 1" http://example.com http://example.com  --keyfile private.key
Application created: asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345
Private Key saved to: private.key

> nexmo app:create "Test Application 1" http://example.com http://example.com -v

Test Application 1










Alias: nexmo ac.

Show details for an Application

> nexmo app:show asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345

Test Application 1









Private Key saved to: private.key

Alias: nexmo as and nexmo app.

Update an Application


  • app_id - the UUID of your application.

  • name - the custom name of your application.

  • answer_url - the URL where your webhook delivers the Nexmo Call Control Object that governs this call.

  • event_url - the url the platform sends event information asynchronously to when the call_status changes

  • Optional flags:

    • --type <type> the product you want to access with this application. (Default: voice)
    • --answer_method <answer_method> the http method for the answer_url. (Default: GET)
    • --event_method <event_method> the http method for the event_url. (Default: GET)
> nexmo app:update asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 "Test Application 1" http://example.com http://example.com   
Application updated: asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345

> nexmo app:update asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 "Test Application 1" http://example.com http://example.com -v

Test Application 1










Alias: nexmo au.

Delete an application


  • app_id - the UUID of your application.
> nexmo app:delete asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345
This is operation can not be reversed.

Please type "confirm" to continue: confirm

Application deleted

> nexmo app:delete asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 --confirm
Application deleted

Alias: nexmo ad.

Show numbers for an application


  • app_id - the UUID of your application.

  • Optional flags:

    • --size the amount of results to return
    • --page the page of results to return
> nexmo app:numbers asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345

> nexmo app:numbers asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345 --verbose
Item 1-3 of 3

msisdn      | country | type       | features  | voiceCallbackType | voiceCallbackValue | moHttpUrl | voiceStatusCallbackUrl
31555555555 | NL      | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com
44655555555 | GB      | mobile-lvn | VOICE,SMS | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com
44555555555 | GB      | mobile-lvn | SMS       | app               | b6d9f957           | undefined | https://example.com

Alias: nexmo an and nexmo apps:numbers.


Link a number to an app

> nexmo link:app 12057200555 asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345
Number updated

> nexmo unlink:app 12057200555
Number updated

Alias: nexmo la

Link a number to another phone number

> nexmo link:tel 12057200555 4455555555
Number updated

> nexmo unlink:tel 12057200555
Number updated

Alias: nexmo lt

Link a number to an sms callback url

> nexmo link:sms 12057200555 http://example.com/callback
Number updated

> nexmo unlink:sms 12057200555
Number updated

Alias: nexmo lsms

Link a number to a Voice XML callback url

> nexmo link:vxml 12057200555 http://example.com/callback
Number updated

> nexmo unlink:vxml 12057200555
Number updated

Alias: nexmo lv

Link a number to SIP URI

> nexmo link:sip 12057200555 sip:123@example.com
Number updated

> nexmo unlink:sip 12057200555
Number updated

Alias: nexmo lsip


Insight Basic

This is the free Number Insight API:

> nexmo insight:basic 447555555555
447555555555 | GB

Alias: nexmo insight and nexmo ib

Insight Standard

This API will charge your account but provide additional details:

> nexmo insight:standard 447555555555 --confirm
447555555555 | GB | Telefonica UK Limited

Verbose mode will return additional information.

Alias: nexmo is

Insight Advanced

This API will charge your account but provide additional details:

> nexmo insight:advanced 447555555555 --confirm
447555555555 | GB | Telefonica UK Limited

Verbose mode will return additional information.

Alias: nexmo ia



Generate a JWT for your application. Optionally supports extra claims to be passed in.

> nexmo jwt:generate path/to/private.key subject=username iat=1475861732
[...JWT String...]
> nexmo jwt:generate path/to/private.key subject=username iat=1475861732 application_id=asdasdas-asdd-2344-2344-asdasdasd345
> JWT: [...JWT String...]


This projects is written in ES2015 and compiled using Babel. The source can be found in the /src folder, and the build is compiled to the /lib folder.

To add changes fork (if needed) and clone the project.

npm install # to install all dependencies
npm run build # to explicitly build the source
npm install -g ./ # to implicitly build the source, and then install the `nexmo` binary into your PATH
npm test # to run all tests
npm run watch:test # to watch for changes and run tests

You can run the nexmo command with the --debug / -d flag to get extra debug info from the underlying Node library.


This library is released under the MIT License