
Nexmo REST API client for PHP. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Nexmo Client Library for PHP

Build Status

This library requires a minimum PHP version of 5.6

This is the PHP client library for use Nexmo's API. To use this, you'll need a Nexmo account. Sign up for free at nexmo.com. This is currently a beta release, see contributing for more information.


To use the client library you'll need to have created a Nexmo account.

To install the PHP client library using Composer (Whilst the client is marked as a beta, the API is stable. The beta flag is due to the fact that the client does not cover the full Nexmo API yet.)

composer require nexmo/client


If you're using composer, make sure the autoloader is included in your project's bootstrap file:

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

Create a client with your API key and secret:

$client = new Nexmo\Client(new Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Basic(API_KEY, API_SECRET));     


Sending A Message

To use Nexmo's SMS API to send an SMS message, call the $client->message()->send() method.

The API can be called directly, using a simple array of parameters, the keys match the parameters of the API.

$message = $client->message()->send([
    'to' => NEXMO_TO,
    'from' => NEXMO_FROM,
    'text' => 'Test message from the Nexmo PHP Client'

The API response data can be accessed as array properties of the message.

echo "Sent message to " . $message['to'] . ". Balance is now " . $message['remaining-balance'] . PHP_EOL;

A message object is a more expressive way to create and send messages. Each message type can be constructed with the required parameters, and a fluent interface provides access to optional parameters.

$text = new \Nexmo\Message\Text(NEXMO_TO, NEXMO_FROM, 'Test message using PHP client library');

The message object is passed to the same send method:


Once sent, the message object can be used to access the response data.

echo "Sent message to " . $text->getTo() . ". Balance is now " . $text->getRemainingBalance() . PHP_EOL;

Array access can still be used:

echo "Sent message to " . $text['to'] . ". Balance is now " . $text['remaining-balance'] . PHP_EOL;

If the message text had to be sent as multiple messages, by default, the data of the last message is returned. However, specific message data can be accessed using array notation, passing an index to a getter, or iterating over the object.

foreach($text as $index => $data){

The send example also has full working examples.

Receiving A Message

Inbound messages are sent to your application as a webhook, and the client library provides a way to create an inbound message object from a webhook:

$inbound = \Nexmo\Message\InboundMessage::createFromGlobals();
} else {
    error_log('invalid message');

You can also access the webhook data as an arry:

$inbound = \Nexmo\Message\InboundMessage::createFromGlobals();

Fetching A Message

You can retrieve a message log from the API using the ID of the message:

$message = $client->message()->search('02000000DA7C52E7');
echo "The body of the message was: " . $message->getBody();

If the message was sent to a Nexmo virtual number, the object will be an instance of Nexmo\Message\InboundMessage, if the message was sent from your account, it will be an instance of Nexmo\Message\Message. You can also pass a message object to the client:

$message = new \Nexmo\Message\InboundMessage('02000000DA7C52E7');
echo "The body of the message was: " . $message->getBody();

Starting a Verification

Nexmo's Verify API makes it easy to prove that a user has provided their own phone number during signup, or implement second factor authentication during signin.

You can start a verification process using a simple array:

$verification = $client->verify()->start([
    'number' => '14845551212',
    'brand'  => 'My App'
echo "Started verification with an id of: " . $verification->getRequestId();

Or you can pass the client a verification object:

$verification = new \Nexmo\Verify\Verification('14845551212', 'My App');
echo "Started verification with an id of: " . $verification->getRequestId();

Controlling a Verification

To cancel an in-progress verification, or to trigger the next attempt to send the confirmation code, you can pass either an exsisting verification object to the client library, or simply use a request ID:


$verification = new \Nexmo\Verify\Verification('00e6c3377e5348cdaf567e1417c707a5');

Checking A Verification

In the same way, checking a verification requires the code the user provided, and an exiting verification object:

$verification = new \Nexmo\Verify\Verification('00e6c3377e5348cdaf567e1417c707a5');
$client->verify()->check($verification, '1234');

Or a request ID:

$client->verify()->check('00e6c3377e5348cdaf567e1417c707a5', '1234');

Searching For A Verification

You can check the status of a verification, or access the results of past verifications using either an exsisting verification object, or a request ID. The verification object will then provide a rich interface:

$verification = new \Nexmo\Verify\Verification('00e6c3377e5348cdaf567e1417c707a5');

echo "Codes checked for verification: " . $verification->getRequestId() . PHP_EOL;
foreach($verification->getChecks() as $check){
    echo $check->getDate()->format('d-m-y') . ' ' . $check->getStatus() . PHP_EOL;

You can also access the raw API response here using array access:

$verification = new \Nexmo\Verify\Verification('00e6c3377e5348cdaf567e1417c707a5');
echo "Verification cost was: " . $verification['price'] . PHP_EOL;

Making A Call

All $client->calls() methods require the client to be constructed with a Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Keypair, or a Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Container that includes the Keypair credentials:

$basic  = new \Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Basic('key', 'secret');
$keypair = new \Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Keypair(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/application.key'), 'application_id');

$client = new \Nexmo\Client(new \Nexmo\Client\Credentials\Container($basic, $keypair));

You can start a call using an array as the structure:

    'to' => [[
        'type' => 'phone',
        'number' => '14843331234'
    'from' => [
        'type' => 'phone',
        'number' => '14843335555'
    'answer_url' => ['https://example.com/answer'],
    'event_url' => ['https://example.com/event'],

Or you can create a Nexmo\Call\Call object, and use that:

use Nexmo\Call\Call;
$call = new Call();
     ->setWebhook(Call::WEBHOOK_ANSWER, 'https://example.com/answer')
     ->setWebhook(Call::WEBHOOK_EVENT, 'https://example.com/event');


Fetching A Call

You can fetch a call using a Nexmo\Call\Call object, or the call's UUID as a string:

$call = $client->calls()->get('3fd4d839-493e-4485-b2a5-ace527aacff3');

$call = new Nexmo\Call\Call('3fd4d839-493e-4485-b2a5-ace527aacff3');

echo $call->getDirection();

The call collection can also be treated as an array:

echo $client->calls['3fd4d839-493e-4485-b2a5-ace527aacff3']->getDirection();

And iterated over:

foreach($client->calls as $call){
    echo $call->getDirection();

With an optional filter:

$filter = new \Nexmo\Call\Filter()->setStatus('completed');
foreach($client->calls($filter) as $call){
    echo $call->getDirection();

Creating An Application

Application are configuration containers, and you can create one using a simple array structure:

$application = $client->applications()->create([
    'name' => 'My Application',
    'answer_url' => 'https://example.com/answer',
    'event_url' => 'https://example.com/event'

You can also pass the client an application object:

$application = new Nexmo\Application\Application();
$application->setName('My Application');
$application->getVoiceConfig()->setWebhook(VoiceConfig::ANSWER, 'https://example.com/answer');
$application->getVoiceConfig()->setWebhook(VoiceConfig::EVENT, 'https://example.com/event');


Fetching Applications

You can iterate over all your applications:

foreach($client->applications() as $application){
    echo $application->getName() . PHP_EOL;

Or you can fetch an application using a string UUID, or an application object.

$application = $client->applications()->get('1a20a124-1775-412b-b623-e6985f4aace0');

$application = new Application('1a20a124-1775-412b-b623-e6985f4aace0');

Updating an Application

Once you have an application object, you can modify and save it.

$application = $client->applications()->get('1a20a124-1775-412b-b623-e6985f4aace0');

$application->setName('Updated Application');

You can also pass an array and the application UUID to the client:

$application = $client->applications()->update([
    'name' => 'Updated Application',
    'answer_url' => 'https://example.com/v2/answer',
    'event_url' => 'https://example.com/v2/event'
], '1a20a124-1775-412b-b623-e6985f4aace0');


Some users have issues making requests due to the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException' with message 'cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)'

This is due to some PHP installations not shipping with a list of trusted CA certificates. This is a system configuration problem, and not specific to either cURL or Nexmo.

IMPORTANT: In the next paragraph we provide a link to a CA certificate bundle. Nexmo do not guarantee the safety of this bundle, and you should review it yourself before installing any CA bundle on your machine

To resolve this issue, download a list of trusted CA certificates (e.g. the curl bundle) and copy it on to your machine. once this is done, edit php.ini and set the curl.cainfo parameter:

# Linux/MacOS
curl.cainfo = "/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem"
# Windows
curl.cainfo = "C:\php\extras\ssl\cacert.pem"

API Coverage

  • Account
    • Balance
    • Pricing
    • Settings
    • Top Up
    • Numbers
      • Search
      • Buy
      • Cancel
      • Update
  • Number Insight
    • Basic
    • Standard
    • Advanced
    • Webhook Notification
  • Verify
    • Verify
    • Check
    • Search
    • Control
  • Messaging
    • Send
    • Delivery Receipt
    • Inbound Messages
    • Search
      • Message
      • Messages
      • Rejections
    • US Short Codes
      • Two-Factor Authentication
      • Event Based Alerts
        • Sending Alerts
        • Campaign Subscription Management
  • Voice
    • Outbound Call
    • Inbound Call
    • Text-To-Speech Call
    • Text-To-Speech Prompt


This library is currently being refactored from an earlier prototype to match the current client library spec. The legacy branch can be used to require that earlier version. During the transition the develop and master branches will have both new and legacy code. The API coverage section identifies what features are currently implemented and up to date.

To contribute to the library, docs, or examples, [create an issue][issues] or a pull request. Please only raise issues about features marked as working in the API coverage as the rest of the code is being updated.


This library is released under the MIT License