Magenerds Country PopUp

The Magenerds Country PopUp is a module which allows showing a modal specific to users with certain browser languages. The text of modal content is fully configurable with a WYSIWYG-Editor field in the store configuration interface.

Configuration options:

The Magenerds Country PopUp config options a base under the point Magenerds -> Country PopUp


  • Enable: Based on the selection the Module is enabled or disabled.
  • Cookie Duration: Define Duration of the cookie in days empty or 0 is equal to session duration.
  • Enable: Based on the selection the Module is enabled or disabled.
  • Use for Unselected Countries Text: Option to show the modal for every visitor and shows the Modaltext for Unselected Counties if no country matches the selection of Countries that should be hinted.

County Modal Properties:

  • Countries that should be hinted: This field provides the option to select the Countries that should be hinted.
  • Modaltext for Unselected Counties: The Modaltext for Unselected Counties provides you a WYSIWYG-Editor that will be rendered inside of the Modal Content if Use for Unselected Countries Text is set on yes and if no country matches the selection of Countries that should be hinted
  • Modal Image Upload: This field provides the option to display an image next to the Modaltext.
  • Dynamic Fields Modaltext for Country: Selected Country: The Dynamic Fields will only be shown if a value in Countries that should be hinted is saved! Depending on the saved value an equal amount of WYSIWYG-Editorfields will be provided.