
CLI providing single-threaded Magento 2 importing functionality based on M2IF

Primary LanguagePHPOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

M2IF - Simple Console Tool

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To install the Magnento 2 Import Framework, composer is necessary. The framework itself is a set of components that provide import functionality for Magento 2. This repository, based on Symfony Console, uses the the package M2IF and provides a command line tool with import functionality for Magento 2 standard CSV files.

Install as Composer Project

To install the package as a new project, assuming composer is available, open a console and enter

$ composer create-project techdivision/import-cli-simple --no-dev --stability=alpha

This will clone the repository from the internal Gitlab and install the M2IF, that's all.

Install as Composer Library

The second option will be the installation as a Composer library. For example, if you want to deliver it with your Magento 2 project, simply add

  "require": {
    "techdivision/import-cli-simple" : "1.0.0-beta3"

to your Magento 2 composer.json file. Then run

$ composer update

from your Magento 2 root directory and your're all setup.

Use as PHAR

The last, but for sure not the worst installation option, is to download the latest PHAR from our Github release page, e. g. with wget

$ wget https://github.com/techdivision/import-cli-simple/releases/download/1.0.0-alpha56/import-cli-simple.phar

To install globally put import-cli-simple.phar in /usr/bin, e. g.

$ sudo chmod +x import-cli-simple.phar && mv import-cli-simple.phar /usr/bin/import-cli-simple

Now you can use it just like import-cli-simple.

Dependency Injection

M2IF uses the Symonfy DI Container to compose the application. Therefore each library provides the necessary DI configuration files in the directory symfony/Resources/config/services.xml. On application startup, the library files will be parsed and depending on the used Magento Edition, the apropriate classes will be injected.

For configuration the symfony service IDs will be used instead of the real class names.


The necessary configuration has to be defined in a simple JSON file. An example that imports the Magento 2 sample data in a Magento 2 CE version 2.1.2 can be found in our examples.

If NO configuration file (option --configuration) has been specified, the default one, defined by the executed command will be used. In case of the import:products, the configuration file provided by the library techdivision/import-product in the directory etc/techdivision-import.json will be used. This default configuration contains NO database configuration and NO image directory.

The database configuration can be specified by the commandline options, but if images should be imported.

If images should be imported, a custom configuration file with the paths to the image files has to be specified.

The import command itself supports a argument as well as several options.


The following configuration arguments are available:

Argument Description Default value
operation Specify the operation name to execute, either one of add-update, replace or delete n/a


The following configuration options are available:

Option Description Default value
--configuration Specify the pathname to the configuration file to use ./vendor/techdivision/import-product/etc/techdivision-import.json
--pid-filename The explicit PID filename to use <system-temp-dir>/importer.pid
--system-name The system name to be used (will added to the mail subject, if mails are configured) The hostname
--installation-dir The Magento installation directory to which the files has to be imported The actual working directory
--entity-type-code The Magento entity type code, MUST be one of catalog_product or catalog_category n/a
--source-dir The directory that has to be watched for new files n/a
--target-dir The target directory with the files that has been imported n/a
--archive-dir The directory with the archived files that has been imported n/a
--magento-edition The Magento edition to be used, either one of CE or EE n/a
--magento-version The Magento version to be used, e. g. 2.1.2 n/a
--source-date-format The date format used in the CSV file(s) n/a
--use-db-id The ID of the database to use, if not specified, the database with the default flag will be used n/a
--db-pdo-dsn The DSN used to connect to the Magento database where the data has to be imported, e. g. mysql:host=;dbname=magento n/a
--db-username The username used to connect to the Magento database n/a
--db-password The password used to connect to the Magento database n/a
--debug-mode The flag to activate the debug mode false
--log-level The log level to use (see Monolog documentation for further information) info

Beside the configuration option, all options can and SHOULD be defined in the configuration file. The commandline options should only be used to override these values in some circumstances.

If the configuration option has NOT been specified, the system tries to locate the Magento Edition, based on the specified installation-dir option. If the installation-dir option IS specified explictly, and the directory is a valid Magento root directory, the application tries to load database credentials from the app/etc/env.php script, so it is NOT necessary to specify a database configuration, nor in the configuration file or as commandline parameter.

Configuration File

The configuration file MUST be in JSON format. Beside itself, all necessary configuration options/arguments that can be passed on on the commandline, can and SHOULD be defined in the configuration file, instead.

The structure is separated into a general configuration section, the database configuration and the configuration for the available operations.

  "magento-edition": "CE",
  "magento-version": "2.1.2",
  "operation-name" : "replace",
  "installation-dir" : "/var/www/magento",
  "databases" : [ ... ],
  "loggers" : [ ... ],
  "operations" : { ... }

Extend the M2IF - Simple Console Tool

In more complex projects, it'll we possible, that addional libraries are necessary. As the M2IF - Simple Console Tool uses a Symfony DI container, it is necessary to register the additional library by adding it to the configuration file. Depending on how the M2IF - Simple Console Tool has been installed, there a two options.

Whenever you write an extension library do NOT forget to provide the Symfony DI configuration.

Extension Libraries

Assuming, that the M2IF - Simple Console Tool has been installed as Composer library, together with a Magento 2 installation, the simplest way to register an additional extension will be adding it as a extension library like

"extension-libraries" : [

This is only possible, if the additional library uses the same Composer autoloader as M2IF - Simple Console Tool does.

Additional Vendor Directories

Assuming, that the M2IF - Simple Console Tool PHAR archive will be used, it is necessary, that the Composer class loader of the additional library vendor directory will be added like

"additional-vendor-dirs" : [
    "vendor-dir" : "target/vendor",
    "libraries": [

This register's the class loader of specified vendor directory and parse's the libraries for the necessary DI configuration files.


The configuration allows the registration of multiple databases like

"databases": [
    "id": "local",
    "default": false,
    "pdo-dsn": "mysql:host=;dbname=appserver_magento2_ee212",
    "username": "magento",
    "password": "eraZor"
    "id": "remote",
    "default": true,
    "pdo-dsn": "mysql:host=;dbname=appserver_magento2_ee212",
    "username": "magento",
    "password": "eraZor"

Depending whether the commandline option --use-db-id and the specified value, the database with the given ID will be used. If the commandline options is NOT specified, the one with the flag "default": true will be used, if not found, the first configured database will be use.

If a value for the commandline option --db-pdo-dsn has been specified, the --use-db-id option will be ignored and the given DSN value will be used for database connection instead. Additionally the credentials, by using the --db-username and --db-password options also needs to be specified.


M2IF uses Monolog to provide the basic logging functionality. Therefore, at least one logger instance is necessary. By default, if no logger has been configured, a system logger will be instanciated, that writes log messages to the error log that has been configured in the php.ini file of the used PHP installation.

To add additional loggers, or override the default one with name `system, the configuration file can be extended like

"loggers": [
    "name": "system",
    "channel-name": "logger/system",
    "type": "Monolog\\Logger",
    "handlers": [
        "type": "Monolog\\Handler\\ErrorLogHandler",
        "params" : [
            "message-type" : 0,
            "log-level" : "debug"
    "name": "mail",
    "channel-name" : "logger/mail",
    "type" : "Monolog\\Logger",
    "handlers" : [
        "type": "Monolog\\Handler\\SwiftMailerHandler",
        "params" : [
            "log-level" : "error",
            "bubble" : false
        "swift-mailer" : {
          "factory" : "TechDivision\\Import\\Utils\\SwiftMailer\\SmtpTransportMailerFactory",
          "mailer-factory" : "\\Swift_Mailer",
          "params" : [
              "to" : "info@my-domain.tld",
              "from" : "info@my-domain.tld",
              "subject": "Something Went Wrong",
              "content-type" : "text/plain"
          "transport" : {
            "transport-factory" : "\\Swift_SmtpTransport",
            "params" : [
                "smtp-host" : "my-domain.tld",
                "smtp-port" : 25,
                "smtp-security" : "tls",
                "smtp-auth-mode" : "LOGIN",
                "smtp-username" : "your-username",
                "smtp-password" : "your-password"

This will override the system logger, as the name is system, and set the default log level to debug.


A operation reflects an import command like the delete operation and combines the necessary functionality as as simple container, that allows to have a custom plugin configuration. Usually, most of the operations are at least build out of the tree plugins

  • TechDivision\Import\Plugins\GlobalDataPlugin
  • TechDivision\Import\Plugins\SubjectPlugin
  • TechDivision\Import\Plugins\ArchivePlugin

Each plugin usually implements a specific functionality like the GlobalDataPlugin that pre-loads the global data like attributes or attribute sets. Other plugins like the SubjectPlugin are again only a container that can be configured with several subjects, that'll be executed synchronously for each matching file a subject can find.

The example above shows a short excerpt of a complete configuration file and should give a impression how the delete operation for products is configured by default.

The GlobalDataPlugin loads the global data that'll be needed in other plugins into the memory. This prevents other plugins to load these data again and again and avoids unnecessary database traffic therfore.

The next plugin, called SubjectPlugin, is configured with two subject. The MoveFilesSubject simply moves the CSV files into a temporary folder, where the BunchSubject starts to import them into the database.

Finally, the ArchivePlugin archives the imported files additionally artefacts into a ZIP archive and moves it to the configured archive directory.

  "magento-edition": "CE",
  "magento-version": "2.1.2",
  "operation-name" : "replace",
  "installation-dir" : "/var/www/magento",
  "source-dir": "projects/sample-data/tmp",
  "target-dir": "projects/sample-data/tmp",
  "source-date-format": "n/d/y, g:i A",
  "archive-artefacts" : false,
  "archive-dir" : "archive",
  "debug-mode" : false,
  "ignore-pid" : false,
  "pid-filename" : "projects/sample-data/tmp/importer.pid",
  "databases" : [ ... ],
  "operations" : [
      "name" : "delete",
      "plugins" : [
          "id": "import.plugin.global.data"
          "id": "import.plugin.subject",
          "subjects" : [
              "id": "import.subject.move.files",
              "identifier": "move-files",
              "prefix": "magento-import",
              "ok-file-needed": true
              "id": "import_product.subject.bunch",
              "identifier": "files",
              "prefix": "magento-import",
              "observers": [
                  "import": [
          "id": "import.plugin.archive"

Most of the available configuration options has to be specified on the subject level, which is nested under the plugins.


Plugins are usually used to implement the workflow itself and are not bound to a special context like subjects that are invoked on each matching CSV file, found in the configured source directory. As shown in the example above, the plugins can be used to implement functionality that has to be invoked before or after the data has been imported from the CSV files.

"plugins" : [
    "id" : "import.plugin.subject",
    "subjects" : [ ... ]


The SubjectPlugin is the plugin that provides the real import functionality. It can be configured with an endless number of subjects which invokes the configured observers on each line of a CSV file, extracts the data and writes it to the database, if needed.

"subjects" : [
    "id" : "import_product.subject.bunch",
    "identifier" : "files",
    "prefix" : "magento-import",
    "observers" : [ ... ],
    "callbacks" : [ ... ]


Observers provides the functionality of a subject ON ROW LEVEL and need to be registered for a subject by a adding them to the list of observers like

"observers" : [
    "import" : [


Callbacks can be used to transform values, found in the CSV file into the necessary types that needs to be stored into the database. For example, the default Magento 2 CSV format allows the values

  • Catalog
  • Search
  • Catalog, Search
  • Not Visible Individually

for the column visibility. These values can not be stored in the appropriate database column, as this expects integer values. Therefore, a callback can be use to transform the string into the correct integer value, in this case the class TechDivision\\Import\\Product\\Callbacks\\VisibilityCallback.

By default, the necessary callbacks to transform the Magento 2 standard attributes found in the CSV file are already defined. When a new, user defined attribute will be added, e. g. with a setup script, the M2IF tries to find the best matching callback, depending on the frontend_input value of the attribute. Actually M2IF comes whith callbacks for

  • select
  • multiselect
  • boolean

frontend_input types. Callbacks for other input types will be part of upcoming versions, but can always be implemented by the developers using M2IF in their project. To register a custom callback, it has to be added to the array with the callbacks of a subject, like

"callbacks": [
    "visibility": [

Please be aware, that a custom callback will REPLACE the default callback and will NOT be appended!


As well as the Magento 2 standard import functionality, M2IF will provide 3 different import operations:

Operation Description
add-update New product data is added to the existing product data for the existing entries in the database. All fields except sku can be updated. New tax classes that are specified in the import data are created automatically. New SKUs that are specified in the import file are created automatically.
replace The existing product data is replaced with new data. If a SKU in the import data matches the SKU of an existing entity, all fields, including the SKU are deleted, and a new record is created using the CSV data. An error occurs if the CSV file references a SKU that does not exist in the database.
delete Any entities in the import data that already exist in the database are deleted from the database. Delete ignores all columns in the import data, except for SKU. You can disregard all other attributes in the data. An error occurs if the CSV file references a SKU that does not exist in the database.

Exercise caution when replacing data because the existing product data will be completely cleared and all references in the system will be lost.


To run the example import, it is necessary to get a copy of the Magento 2 sample data, that can be cloned from Github, assumed you're in the root folder of this repository, by invoking

$ git clone https://github.com/magento/magento2-sample-data.git projects/sample-data/magento2-sample-data

on the command line.


The import is able to handle bunches. In general this is a functionality that will only make sense in a multithreaded or multiprocessed environment where the bunches can be imported in parallel. In this case, it should only give the developer an idea, on how a multiprocessed functionality can be implemented.

A bunch is a CSV file which is only a part of a complete import. It doesn't matter, what a kind of data a bunch contains, as the importer handles the data in the necessary order. This means, that the first step is to import all simple products found in a bunch. After that, information like the created entity IDs related with the imported SKUs, which is necessary to import all other product data (Bunches, Configurables, Images, Related etc.) will be shared, so it'll be possible to import these data step-by-step, but each step also in parallel.

To split a import into multiple bunches, the bunched files MUST follow these pattern:

  1. The prefix has to equal, e. g. magento-product-import
  2. The prefix has to be followed by an underscore _
  3. A random number of alphanumeric charaters has to follow
  4. These characters has also to be followed by an underscore _
  5. Finally, each bunch MUST have a sequential number, followed by .csv

For example, the following files will be imported as a bunch:

  • tmp/magento-import_20170203-1234_01.csv
  • tmp/magento-import_20170203-1234_02.csv
  • tmp/magento-import_20170203-1234_03.csv
  • tmp/magento-import_20170203-1234_04.csv

When starting the import process by invoking the apropriate command, these files will be imported like one file. It is NOT necessary to invoke the importer four times.

Running the Import

The command doesn't implement any directory clean-up or archiving functionality, what means that the files have to copied to the source directory specified for the subjects. Assuming a Magento 2 CE 2.1.2 instance, with sample data installed, is available under /var/www/magento the configuration file, as well as the CSV files, can be found under projects/sample-data/ce/212.

The command to re-import the sample data including the images, would look like this:

$ sudo rm -rf projects/sample-data/tmp \ 
    && sudo mkdir projects/sample-data/tmp \
    && sudo cp projects/sample-data/ce/212/data/replace/*.csv projects/sample-data/tmp \
    && sudo bin/import-simple import:products \
       --installation-dir=/var/www/magento \

To make sure, that all old import files will be removed, we'll delete and re-create the directory that contains the import files projects/sample-data/tmp, before.

The import process only starts, when an OK flagfile is available in the same directory where the CSV files are located. The naming convention for the OK flagfile MUST follow one of these naming conventions


which results in one of

  • projects/sample-data/tmp/magento-import.ok
  • projects/sample-data/tmp/magento-import_20170203.ok
  • projects/sample-data/tmp/magento-import_20170203_01.ok

The flagfile MUST contain the name of the CSV files that have to be imported within the next iterations. If the flagfile would be named projects/sample-data/tmp/magento-import_20170203-1234.ok for example and contains the following lines


the importer has to be invoked four times (because the example above is NO bunch), whereas on each invovation, the next file will be imported and removed from the flagfile.

Have a look in subdirectories of project/sample-data/* for a working example.

Debug Mode

The debug mode provides a more detailed logging output, by automatically setting the Monolog log level to LogLevel::DEBUG if NOT overwritten with the commandline option --log-level. Additionally it ignores

  • product category relations to categories that not exists
  • product links (related, upsell, crosssell, etc.) for SKUs which are NOT available
  • configurable products for SKUs which are NOT available or available more than one time

but logs these issues as warnings to the console.

When the debug mode has been enabled, missing attribute option values will NOT throw an exception, instead they will logged and put on an internal stack. If the MissingOptionValuesPlugin has been enabled, a CSV file with the missing option values will be created in the temporary import folder. If a Swift Mailer has been enabled by the plugin configuration, the CSV file will be sent to the given mail addresses.

This will help developers to test imports with partially invalid CSV files which do NOT break data consistency.

Running Parallel Imports

To avoid unwanted behaviour, only one import process can be started at a time. To make sure, that only one process is running, a PID file in the system's temporary directory (sys_get_temp_dir()) is created which contains the UUID of the actual import process. After the import process has been finished, the file will be deleted and a new process can be started.