
EventMap is a website generator for showcasing real-world events/demonstrations driven by a common goal or a theme, along with a map and posted photos.

EventMap is based on Jekyll static website generator, and the events are described in YAML-like files following a specific directory structure. EventMap website generation can be run and served by GitHub Pages.

An event map consists of the main page and of campaign pages. Each campaign consists of multiple events. The main page lists all events from all campaigns.

See an example of an event map at https://vadimkantorov.github.io/eventmaptest, and of its contents at https://github.com/vadimkantorov/eventmaptest.

Below are described the file formats and the directory structure providing information about campaigns, events and the main page.

Setting up instructions and minimal file structure of data directory

Campaign pages


title: campaign page header text
logo:  main page logo, absolute https-path or file path relative to data/index/ e.g. index.jpg would refer to data/index/index.jpg 
date: # one date in YYYY-MM-DD format or array of two dates
  - 2022-02-20
  - 2022-11-28

organizers: # array of following records
  - orgname: name of organizer
    orgurl: https-url of organizer announcement on the web or social media
    country: country name where an organizer is working, the same organizer may be included multiple times for different countries
    city: city name (optional)
# - orgname: ...
#   orgurl: ...
#   ...

events: # array of following records
  - city: city name (optional)
    country: country name (mandatory)
    date: 2022-09-27 (YYY-MM-DD format, mandatory)
    time: "15:00" (optional)
    address: (optional)
    location: (optional)
    eventurl: https-url (optional)
    orgname: organizer name (same as for organizer format)
    orgurl: organizer https-url (same as for organizer format)
    photos: photos/photo1.jpg; photos/photo2.jpg
    content: "(markdown) event page intro text"

  - city: Yerevan
    country: Armenia
    address: Freedom Square
    date: 2022-09-27
    time: "15:00"
    eventurl: https://t.me/freeyerevan
      - org1
      - org2
      - https://org1.com
      - https://org2.com
      - photos/photo1.jpg
      - photos/photo2.jpg
    content: My Yerevan event

# - city: ...
#   address: ...
#   date: ...
(markdown) campaign page intro text

Main page


title: same as for campaign pages
logo:  same as for campaign pages 
(markdown) same as for campaign pages

In general, main page file format is same as for campaign pages, but the paths are computed relative to data/index/ instead of data/campaigns/my-campaign-name.

Event info

data/campaigns/2022-my-campaign-name-for-url/2022-09-27-yerevan/photo1.jpg, data/campaigns/2022-my-campaign-name-for-url/2022-09-27-yerevan/2022-09-27-yerevan.md:

city: Yerevan
country: Armenia
address: Freedom Square
date: 2022-09-27
time: "15:00"
eventurl: https://t.me/freeyerevan/205
orgname: Протесты в Ереване
orgurl: https://t.me/freeyerevan
My Yerevan event

Reference on Campaign, Event, Organizer fields

Index record fields:

  • title (mandatory; string)
  • logo (optional; string)
  • content (optional; string for intro text markdown)

Campaign record fields:

  • title (mandatory; string)
  • logo (optional; string)
  • country (mandatory; string)
  • date (mandatory; string in YYYY-MM-DD format)
  • events (optional; array of event records)
  • organizers (optional; array of organizer records)
  • content (optional; string for intro text markdown)

Organizer record fields:

  • country (mandatory; string)
  • city (optional; string)
  • orgname (optional; string)
  • orgurl (optional; string)

Event record fields:

  • country (mandatory; string)
  • city (optional; string)
  • date (mandatory; string in YYYY-MM-DD format)
  • address (optional; string)
  • location (optional; string)
  • time (optional; string)
  • eventurl (optional; string)
  • photos (optional; semicolon-delimited string or array of strings)
  • orgname (optional; string or array of strings)
  • orgurl (optional; string or array of strings)
  • content (optional; string for intro text markdown)

Geocoding information

Sample of a few lines from geocoder.json:

    "London": "51.5073219,-0.1276474",
    "Paris": "48.8588897,2.3200410217200766"

Crude geocoding based on city is used if an event doesn't provide custom GPS coordinates. The geocoding JSON file was originally generated by python3 geocoder.py > geocoder.json.

EventMap source files


- photo crops
- link for adding custom events
- escape html