
Converts TensorFlow checkpoints (with index, meta and data files) to PyTorch, HDF5 and JSON

Primary LanguagePython

tfcheckpoint2pytorch features

  • dump model weights from TensorFlow checkpoints (directories and tarballs containing an *.index, *.meta and *.data-*-of-* files) to:
    • PyTorch binary *.pt format
    • HDF5 *.h5
    • NumPy *.npy and *.npz
    • JSON *.json
  • export TensorFlow models from checkpoints to ONNX format using tf2onnx
  • export the model graph to TensorBoard

Dependencies: Unforutanately this converter requires TensorFlow installed (tested with v1.13.1; v2.0 probably won't work). However, it's okay even if it's installed via pip: pip3 install tensorflow. PyTorch, h5py, tf2onnx are optional dependencies.

Example: openseq2seq's wav2letter speech2text model

We will try to export NVidia openseq2seq's wav2letter speech2text model to ONNX. Unfortunately, tf2onnx doesn't support properly the BatchToSpaceND op that TensorFlow uses to implement dilated convolutions. So it doesn't work perfectly, but you can still probably use the result. Feel free to explore the produced *.onnx file in Lutz Roeder's Netron online model explorer.

# download the official NVidia's wav2letter++ model checkpoint from Google Drive via the link they provide
GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID=$(echo $CHECKPOINT_GOOGLE_DRIVE_URL | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev)
CONFIRM=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies googlecookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID" -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')
wget --load-cookies googlecookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$CONFIRM&id=$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID" -O w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz || rm googlecookies.txt # from https://gist.github.com/vladalive/535cc2aff8a9527f1d9443b036320672

# download the official NVidia's wav2letter++ model checkpoint from Google Drive via the link they provide
GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID=$(echo $CHECKPOINT_GOOGLE_DRIVE_URL | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev)
CONFIRM=$(wget --quiet --save-cookies googlecookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID" -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')
wget --load-cookies googlecookies.txt "https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=$CONFIRM&id=$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_ID" -O jasper10x5_LibriSpeech_nvgrad_masks.tar.gz || rm googlecookies.txt

# the commands below will also work for jasper10x5_LibriSpeech_nvgrad_masks.tar.gz

# export model weights to PyTorch binary format
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large.tar.gz -o w2l_plus_large.pt

# export model weights to HDF5
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz -o w2l_plus_large_mp.h5

# we must replace Horovod-related nodes by Identity, otherwise TensorFlow can't load the checkpoint
# https://github.com/horovod/horovod/issues/594

# print all variable names to help you identify input and output names
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz --graph graph.txt \
    --identity Horovod

# export the model graph to TensorBoard logdir and open TensorBoard
# you must provide one or several input_name
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz --tensorboard w2l_plus_large_mp.tensorboard \
    --identity Horovod --tensorboard w2l_plus_large_mp.tensorboard
    --input_name 'IteratorGetNext:0'
python3 -m tensorboard.main --logdir w2l_plus_large_mp.tensorboard

# we must force tf2onnx and ONNX to ignore some node attributes:
# https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx/issues/578
# https://github.com/onnx/onnx/issues/2090
# export model to ONNX. you must specify input and output variable names, tfcheckpoint2pytorch will try to infer input shapes and dtype
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz --onnx w2l_plus_large_mp.onnx \
    --identity Horovod \
    --ignoreattr Toutput_types --ignoreattr output_shapes --ignoreattr output_types --ignoreattr predicate --ignoreattr f --ignoreattr dtypes  \
    --input_name 'IteratorGetNext:0' \
    --output_name 'ForwardPass/fully_connected_ctc_decoder/logits:0'
# you can also force input shapes and dtype
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint w2l_plus_large_mp.tar.gz --onnx w2l_plus_large_mp.onnx \
    --identity Horovod \
    --ignoreattr Toutput_types --ignoreattr output_shapes --ignoreattr output_types --ignoreattr predicate --ignoreattr f --ignoreattr dtypes  \
    --input_name 'IteratorGetNext:0' --input_shape -1 -1 64 --input_dtype half \
    --output_name 'ForwardPass/fully_connected_ctc_decoder/logits:0'

# download slot-attention_object_discovery.pt from https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/gresearch/slot-attention
python3 tfcheckpoint2pytorch.py --checkpoint slot-attention_object_discovery.zip -o slot-attention_object_discovery.pt