- Moodle 3.1 (build 2016052300) or later.
Copy the questionbulkupdate folder into your Moodle /local directory and visit your Admin Notification page to complete the installation.
This plugin is intended to update questions after import from formats, that do not allow to specify numbering or default grade. Question bank navigation node will be extended with "Questions bulk update" item. Select category with desired questions and fill options, that you want to update.
- Vadim Dvorovenko (Vadimon@mail.ru)
- Updates: https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=local_questionbulkupdate
- Latest code: https://github.com/vadimonus/moodle-local_questionbulkupdate
- Release 0.9 (build 2021010500):
- Initial release.
- Release 1.0 (build 2021092400):
- Fix errors in 3.1 - 3.6.