- Moodle 3.0 (build 2015111600) or later.
Copy the quickrenamequestioncategories folder into your Moodle /local directory and visit your Admin Notification page to complete the installation.
Question bank navigation node will be extended with "Quick categories rename" item. You will be able to rename all categories in one form. This can be useful when working with large question banks together witn local_resortquestioncategory and local_renumberquestioncategory plugins.
- Vadim Dvorovenko (Vadimon@mail.ru)
- Updates: https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=local_quickrenamequestioncategories
- Latest code: https://github.com/vadimonus/moodle-local_quickrenamequestioncategories
- Release 0.9 (build 2016041800):
- First public release.
- Release 1.0 (build 2016042800):
- Fix error with "<" and ">" chars in category name.
- Release 1.0.1 (build 2016051000):
- Additional capability checks.
- Release 1.1 (build 2020061200):
- Privacy API support.
- Question bank tabs.