
Snake Game

Primary LanguageC#

Snake Game

Game is built using client-server architecture. Backend implements two methods:

  • [GET] api/gameboard - returns current game state
  • [POST] api/direction - changes direction of snake movement


Game frontend is written with Vue.js, to start is - just open index.html with your browser. Libraries used:

  • axios - for AJAX requests
  • Bootstrap 4 - for styling

Another version of frontend is made using WPF following MVVM metodology.

SVG icons were taken from this website.


Game backend is written as .Net Core API app, to start it - execute dotnet run in backend folder (installed .Net Core 3.0 required).


When backend is started in Development mode - Swagger endpoint is created at api/swagger and opened automatically (NSwag library used).


As gathering statistics is essential for any app, structured logging was implemented using NLog library. Log output could be changed in NLog.congif using documentation. For use with Docker - healthcheck and Prometheus endpoints should be created in addition to logging.


Backend CORS policy for production must be configured, but proper configuration requires accurate information about production environment, and so this was not done.

Possible improvements

As this is the game - fast response is required, the best solution would be a socket usage (SignalR library in this case), but it wouldn't correspond to the given technical specification as it would be one complete method instead of separate GET & POST.


It would be rather easy task to add multiplayer to this game (we could just generate a GUID for each new player and set a cookie with it to identify the game of the player, stored in dictionary, new games must be stored in a pool like this, when game is over - it must be returned), but it would cause some problems:

  • more synchronization would be required which would significantly increase time lag between the client and server as we are not using sockets
  • if some user would accidentally send two requests for the new game one by one - server would create more game instances then required, so it's a possibility for DDoS attacks

Possible solutions for the second problem are:

  • move the whole game to the client side as the game is very simple and intended for single player
  • add proper authorization (database is required) so that we can discard all anonymous connections and so get rid of possibility of DDoS attack

None of this is possible with given technical specification.

Another solution would be to debounce (discard all calls for some time after previous call - time should be a bit longer then it is required to create new game) the method, creating new games, and limit the number of active games, but it would cause dropping of harmless connections sometimes which is not so good.

That is why multiplayer was not implemented in this particular program.