Woocommerce filter plugin
wc_filter is plugin for filter woocoomerce products. Works much faster then other filter plugins. Flexible and easy to set up.
1. Support for multiple types: the standard list (checkboxes), drop-down list, a range of values, the color (or any type that can display an icon, such as a country)
2. Ability to specify the dimension for label, also can hide label
3. Set "or" and "and" query type for filtration of several parameters
1. Add in "header.php"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/wc_filter.css" />
2. Add in "footer.php"
<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/wc_filter.js"></script>
3. Add in "functions.php"
4. Add in "woocommerce.php"
<div id="filterToggle" class="button" style="display:none">Filter</div> <div id="filterBlock"> <div class="block_caption"> Filter </div> <div class="block_body"> <div id="wc_filter"> <?php echo wc_getProp('name=global_attr&query=or'); /* name = 'global attribute slug' type = 'color', 'input', 'select', '' qyery = 'or', 'and' init = 'dimension for label, example "kg"' nolabel = 'true', '' - show/hide items name, useful for type = 'color' */ dynamic_sidebar('filter_price'); ?> <div class="wc_filter_buttons"> <button class="btn red" id="wc_filter_reset_but">Reset</button> <button class="btn" id="wc_filter_but">Filter</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
5. In Admin Panel, in Appearence -> Widgets, add in "filter_price -> WooCommerce Filter by price" and add in "filter -> WooCommerce Layered Navigation"