Tiny util for creating arbitrary async fluent APIs
Imagine you'll want to create fluent APIs ✨ (What's that)
Of course - you can create chained objects/class instances (with load of boilerplate & some design restrictions) - but there seems to be easier & more powerful way with ES6 proxies.
There are pros & cons of meta-programming, arguably - it makes code harder to reason about (so use it responsibly).
My use case was auto-generating api clients, but it's kind of generic pattern for any path proxy.
- create arbitrary fluent APIs for async functions
- delay callback execution till await/ start of promise chain
- just few lines, no dependencies (more like idea than a project)
- cjs/ esm/ typescript/ tested
Paths segments are provided as array of tuples of propname and array of args arrays.
type Segments = Array<[Propname, ArgsArray[]]>
// or
type Segments = Array<[string, any[][]>
It's not super human readable, but (imho) incredibly handy to reduce/map/filter/validate/whatever
import { fluentAsyncProxy } from 'fluent-async-proxy'
// this handler does nothing
const handler = (paths: Segments) => {
/* do smth */
const proxy = fluentAsyncProxy(handler)
const result = await proxy
.users({ email: 'vadistic@gmail.com' })
// paths poassed to handler
// [
// ['users', [[{ email: 'vadistic@gmail.com' }]]],
// ['posts', [[]]],
// ['first', [[3]]],
// ['comments', []],
// ['withMetadata', [[]]],
// ['literallyAnythingElse', []],
// ['2', []],
// ['3', []]
// ]
$ yarn add fluent-async-proxy
import { fluentAsyncProxy } from 'fluent-async-proxy'
// this handler prints paths back to code, why not^^
const handler = async (paths: Segments) =>
([prop, calls]) =>
'.' +
prop +
(calls.length === 0
? ''
: calls
.map(args => `(${args.map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).join(', ')})`)
const client = fluentAsyncProxy(handler)
const comments = await client
.users({ email: 'vadistic@gmail.com' })
// paths = [
// ['users', [[{ email: 'vadistic@gmail.com' }]]],
// ['posts', []],
// ['first', [[3]]],
// ['comments', []],
// ['withMetadata', [[]]]
// ]
// result = `
// .users({"email":"vadistic@gmail.com"})
// .posts
// .first(3)
// .comments
// .withMetadata()
// `
Before calling await or any of promise methods (then/catch/finally) the target of a proxy is only noop function.
To unwrap proxy to promise/ result immediately (to get call handler), but without awaiting - there is .UNWRAP
const t = client.something()
// still a proxy
t instanceof Promise === false
// promise from callback handler
t.UNWRAP instanceof Promise === true