
Testing framework for PostgreSQL extensions

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status PyPI version


PostgreSQL testing utility.


To install testgres, run:

pip install testgres

We encourage you to use virtualenv for your testing environment. Both Python 2.7 and 3.5 are supported.


Note: by default testgres runs initdb, pg_ctl, psql provided by $PATH. To specify a custom postgres installation, set the environment variable $PG_CONFIG pointing to the pg_config executable: export PG_CONFIG=/path/to/pg_config.

Here is an example of what you can do with testgres:

import testgres

node = None
    node = testgres.get_new_node('test').init().start()
    print(node.execute('postgres', 'select 1'))
except testgres.ClusterException as e:
    if node is not None:

Let's walk through the code. First you create new node:

node = testgres.get_new_node('master')


node = testgres.get_new_node('master', '/path/to/base')

master is a node's name, not the DB's name. The name matters if you're testing something like replication. Function get_new_node() only creates directory structure in specified directory (or somewhere in '/tmp' if we did not specify base directory) for cluster. After that, we have to initialize the PostgreSQL cluster:


This function runs initdb command and adds some basic configuration to postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf files. Function init() accepts optional parameter allows_streaming which configures cluster for streaming replication (default is False). Now we are ready to start:


Finally our temporary cluster is able to process queries. There are four ways to run them:

  • node.psql(database, query) - runs query via psql command and returns tuple (error code, stdout, stderr)
  • node.safe_psql(database, query) - same as psql() except that it returns only stdout. If an error occures during the execution, an exception will be thrown.
  • node.execute(database, query) - connects to postgresql server using psycopg2 or pg8000 library (depends on which is installed in your system) and returns two-dimensional array with data.
  • node.connect(database='postgres') - returns connection wrapper (NodeConnection) capable of running several queries within a single transaction.

The last one is the most powerful: you can use begin(isolation_level), commit() and rollback():

with node.connect() as con:
    print(con.execute('select %s', 1))

To stop the server, run:


It is essential to clean everything up, so make sure to call node.cleanup() once you've finished all of your tests.

Please see testgres/tests directory for replication configuration example.

Note: you could take a look at pg_pathman to get an idea of testgres' capabilities.


Ildar Musin i.musin@postgrespro.ru Postgres Professional Ltd., Russia Dmitry Ivanov d.ivanov@postgrespro.ru Postgres Professional Ltd., Russia