Development setup

Get the code:

git clone

Configure ruby:

  • if you use rbenv, init as so: eval "$(rbenv init - zsh)"
  • if you use rvm, init as usual

both should obey .ruby-version

Install the gems from Gemfile and prep the database:

cd codesample

# install gems
bundle install

# prep the local sqlite3 db
bin/rails db:migrate

Start the local server and verify db connectivity

bundle exec rails s -p 3000

then visit dev server. You should see a landing page with instructions to create a User.



  • User (with devise and password authentication) is preconfigured

  • Bootstrap 5.3 is installed and preconfigured. If you prefer, feel free to use tailwind / raw scss.

  • Sample data is available in a tab delimited file at data/example_data.tsv; I built a task skeleton in lib/tasks/data.rake that you can run via bundle exec rake data:insert_data.

Format: customer name <tab> user email <tab> patent name <tab> patent title <tab> granted. You may assume that there is a header row, that there are no missing elements, and that each row is complete.

  • Don't worry about the formatting on the devise views.


  1. Build appropriate database table(s) with migrations to ingest the sample data

  2. Insert the data

  3. Add a route/controller/views that, for the current user (avail current_user), shows that users' patents

  4. Allow a user to edit his/her patent subjects.

When you are done:

  1. Create a private repo with your github account

  2. Modify the instructions on the new repo page under "... or push an existing repository" to instead add a new remote, ala

git remote add origin2   # turn origin into origin2 (or whatever you prefer), and note that the git url will be different for you
git branch -M main
git push -u origin2 main
  1. Reload the repo page (mine was called earlh/test2) to verify it worked

  2. Add user earlh (NB: email is to the repo (Settings -> Collaborators -> Add People and add earlh)

Test Suite

run via

bundle exec rspec