
Repository contain code for simple client application for IBM Cloudant DB.

Primary LanguagePython


Repository contain code for simple client application for IBM Cloudant DB.

Tools Used

  • Python 2.7.11
  • Nosetests framework.

Steps to Run

  • Clone the repository onto your local machine.
  • Change your current working directory to the project directory.
  • Install python prerequisite packages using #pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Replace db_name, db_doc_name, username and password in test_config.ini file, with the database name, the document name that you want to create and username and password of your cloudant account, respectively.
  • Execute the test suite by executing #nosetests -v --nocapture test_db_client.py
  • You should see the nosetests suite running automated tests for DB creation, Document creation and Document validation.