Advanced Custom Post Types: v3.1.1

This is a framework for creating not only custom post types, roles and taxonomies in WordPress but it will also give you the ability to rapidly create custom fields (post types only).

by Kevin Dees at or on twitter

New to WordPress? Use Plugins!


  1. Use a php include to add the file init.php to your plugin or functions.php theme file. For more advanced users look at the code comments for help on what args are available. ACPT also comes with its own plugin system so you don't have to muck up your functions.php file and can import others work with ease.
  1. Copy and rename sample-config.php to config.php

For custom settings see the config.php file. Set DEV_MODE to true for forms API help when theming.

define('DEV_MODE', true);
  1. Set define('ACPT_FOLDER_NAME', 'acpt') if you are using another folder structure. For example, define('ACPT_FOLDER_NAME', 'inc/acpt') if you have acpt in a folder called inc.

Plugins System

You do not need to use the plugin system for ACPT to work. However, you will need to disable it in the config file if you don't want it to run.

// load plugins
define('ACPT_LOAD_PLUGINS', true);

By default the "sample" plugin is loaded. ACPT plugins are not the same as WordPress plugins. To load your own ACPT plugins you need to do the following:

  • Make a php file or folder with a custom name. If you use a folder your main plugin file must be called index.php
  • In the config.php file add the name of your plugin to the plugin list array
// plugins list
$acptPlugins = array('sample');

The name of your plugin is the folders name or the php files name.

Plugins are loaded in this manner so you can decide how and when they are loaded. I'm sure I'll add more option in the future.


If your slugs are not working be sure you have flushed the permalink rules. To do this go to the permalinks and save the settings. No need to mod the .htaccess file if told.

Making a Custom Post Type

Advanced Users See: post_type.php

Class access function: acpt_post_type()

Making post types with ACPT is fast and easy. The post_type class takes up to 4 arguments (only the first two are required). First the singular name and then the plural name of your post type (makes these lowercase). The next is for capabilities. If you don’t know how capabilities work set this to false and everything should work expected (the default, false, is the same as posts capabilities). Set capabilities to true to create custom capabilities using the post types name (see roles for advanced usage). Last, you have the settings argument. This is used if you want to change the default settings or override them. Use the settings argument the same as you would for creating post types using Wordpress building registration method.


You can also add icons using the 'icon' method as in the example. Use these following names as the parameters for the icon method. This will set your icon.

  • notebook
  • refresh
  • thumbs-up
  • box
  • bug
  • cake
  • calendar
  • card-biz
  • task
  • clock
  • color
  • compass
  • dine
  • ipad
  • ticket
  • shirt
  • plane
  • paint
  • mic
  • location
  • leaf
  • music
  • wine
  • dashboard
  • person
  • weather



add_action('init', 'makethem');
function makethem() {
    $args = array(
        'taxonomies' => array('category', 'post_tag'),
        'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'page-attributes'  ),
        'hierarchical' => true,

    $books = acpt_post_type('book','books', false,  $args );

    // add icon to post type


Making a Taxonomy

Advanced Users See: tax.php

Class access function: acpt_tax()

Making taxonomies with ACPT is fast and easy. The tax class takes up to 6 arguments (only the first 2 are required). First the singular name and then the plural name of your taxonomy (makes these lowercase). Third, you list have post types in an array (you can also set this in the post type itself, I recommend this way). Fourth, hierarchy. Set hierarchy to true if you want to allow the taxonomy to have descendants (the default, false). The last is for capabilities. If you don’t know how capabilities work set this to false and everything should work expected (the default, false). Set capabilities to true to create custom capabilities using the taxonomies name (see roles for advanced usage). Last, you have the settings argument. This is used if you want to change the default settings or override them. Use the settings argument the same as you would for registering taxonomies using Wordpress building registration method.


add_action('init', 'makethem');
function makethem() {
    $colors = acpt_tax('color','colors', null, false );


Advanced Users See: role.php

Class access function: acpt_cole()

Roles are the most powerful part of ACPT. You can make(), update() and remove() with the role class. When working with roles in ACPT you need to understand how roles work in Wordpress to keep your site installation working smoothly. Unlike Taxonomies and Post Types, when roles are made they are added to the DB. This means you only need to run role code once for it to work. It is best to run this code on theme switching or plugin activation. You can get away with running the code once other ways but this is a common way to do so without a UI.

For basic usage be sure you know how switching themes and activating plugins work.

Themes: Plugins:

WARNING: You should not work with roles unless you know what you are doing. Also, Be sure you consider a plan of attack for when your theme or plugin is removed or deactivated. Using roles is ment for advanced users only.

Make Arguments

You can set the first argument with capital letters. Formatted name is suggested.

// Bad code, don't do this
add_action('init', 'makethem');
function makethem() {
    $r = acpt_role();
    $r->make('Library Manager', array('read'), array('book', 'books'));
    $r->update('Administrator', null, null, array('book','books'));

Meta Boxes

Advanced Users See: meta_box.php

Class access function: acpt_meta_box()

You can now add Meta Boxes with ACPT. The meta_box class takes up to 3 arguments (only the first is required). First the name of the meta box. Second, the post types you want to use. Last any settings you want to override (priority for example). You can add custom meta boxes to you post types by adding the name of the meta box to the post types supports arg or by applying the post type within the make function. To add HTML/PHP to the meta box create a function beginning with "meta_" and append the name of the field to the end of it.

If you need more options please see the gitHub project it has a lot of options to play with.


add_action('init', 'makeThem');
function makeThem() {

    $argsCourse = array(
        'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'page-attributes', 'details' ),
        'hierarchical' => true,

    $argsBook = array(
        'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'page-attributes' ),
        'hierarchical' => true,

    $courses = acpt_post_type('course','courses', false, $argsCourse );
    $books = acpt_post_type('book','books', false, $argsBook );


add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'addThem' );

function addThem() {
    acpt_meta_box('Details', array('book'));

// Note: forms API explained below
function meta_details() {
    $form = acpt_form('details');


Advanced Users See: form.php

Class access function: acpt_form()

You can now make Forms with ACPT. Please see the code for how to use this section. You will need to modify for best results. Plus I don't have time to document it right now. The meta box section has the code example you need.

Forms API also come with a dev mode, see config.php.

function meta_details() {
    // name, options
	$form = acpt_form('details', null);

	$form->text('name', array('label' => 'Text Field'));
	$form->color('color', array('label' => 'Color Field'));

	// With images and files a second hidden field is made
	// containing the the ID. As: {your_field_name}_id
	$form->image('image', array('label' => 'Image Field'));
	$form->file('file', array('label' => 'File Field'));

	$form->textarea('address',array('label' => 'Textarea'));
	$form->checkbox('checkbox', array('label' => 'Checkbox Example', 'desc' => 'Select this for value of 1'));
	$form->select('rooms', array('one', 'two', 'three'), array('label' => 'Select List'));
	$form->radio('baths', array('blue', 'green', 'red'), array('label' => 'Radio Buttons'));

    // When outputting editor data you may want to apply "the_content" filter
    // apply_filters('the_content', $content_var)
    // note that $content_var must be set to the content by you manually
	$form->editor('baths', 'WYSIWYG Editor');

    // Advanced Fields
    $form->google_map('address', array('label' => 'Address Field'));
    $form->date('date', array('label' => 'Date Field'));


To get data out of the forms API use the functions: e_acpt_meta('[your_field_name]') and acpt_meta('[your_field_name]').

e_acpt_meta() will echo the data. The function acpt_meta() will simply get the data.

To know what 'your_field_name' is turn on dev mode and view the fields. Or out put all of the post meta and it will be available from there. You can also you use get_post_meta() from WordPress if needed.

NOTE: the names need to be wrapped in brackets [] inside of the string.

Form fields are now a combination of the form name and the form field name. They no longer begin with acpt_.

For example the text field would be '[slide_title]'.

// example of a meta box
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'acpt_custom_meta' );

function acpt_custom_meta() {

// form api example, input names are much shorter now
function meta_slide_options() {
$form = acpt_form('slide');
$form->text('title'); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide_title]'
$form->text('desc'); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide_desc]'

Saving now includes a filter for data exclusive to ACPT fields. Filtering can be done as follows:

add_filter('acpt_save_filter', 'my_custom_function');

function my_custom_function($acpt_data) {
// your code here: validation and sanitization for example
// you access the data as follows
// $acpt_data[{formName_fieldName}]

$acpt_data['slide_title'] = esc_html($acpt_data['slide_title']);

return $acpt_data;


Since version 3.0.2 you can group form fields in the DB. This is good for making more dynamic forms and help prevent strange prefixes and bad naming.

To group form fields, in the $opt array set the key 'group' and the value as a string with [] around the name. For example:

// form api example, input names are much shorter now
function meta_slide_options() {
$form = acpt_form('slide');
$form->text('title', array('group' => '[slide]') ); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][slide_title]'
$form->text('desc', array('group' => '[slide]') ); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][slide_desc]'

You can also stack groups:

// form api example, input names are much shorter now
function meta_slide_options() {
$form = acpt_form('slide');
$form->text('title', array('group' => '[slide][text]') ); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][text][slide_title]'
$form->text('desc', array('group' => '[slide][text]') ); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][text][slide_desc]'

You can also apply the group to the form itself to save typing:

// form api example, input names are much shorter now
function meta_slide_options() {
$form = acpt_form('slide', array('group' => '[slide][text]'));
$form->text('title'); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][text][slide_title]'
$form->text('desc'); // input attr name will be 'acpt[slide][text][slide_desc]'

NOTE: There is also a feature to add a sub group after the field name. The same rules apply but the group is added to the end. Simply replace the key group with sub. However, sub groups are only available to fields; not the form object itself.

Together: Post Type, Meta Box, Form (grouping) and Taxonomy


add_action('init', 'makeThem');
function makeThem() {

    $args = array(
        'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'page-attributes'  ),
        'hierarchical' => true,

    $books = acpt_post_type('book','books', false,  $args );
    $courses = acpt_post_type('course','courses', false,  $args );


    acpt_tax('color', 'colors', 'book', true);
    acpt_tax('author', 'authors', array($books, $courses), true );


add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'addThem' );

function addThem() {
    acpt_meta_box('Details', array('book', 'course'));

function meta_details() {
    $personal = acpt_form('info', array('group' => '[personal]'));

    $business = acpt_form('info', array('group' => '[business]'));


  • start_acpt_option
  • end_acpt_option
  • start_acpt_meta
  • end_acpt_meta
  • start_acpt_save
  • end_acpt_save


  • {your_field_name}_filter : This for the admin screens. It filters the output of custom fields.
  • acpt_save_filter: Meta data being saved. Best used to validate and sanitize custom data.
  • acpt_plugin_folder: Set the plugins folder. Should be file system level include path not relative to project.

Change Log

  • v3.1.1 - add inline documentation and fix bugs
  • v3.1.0 - checkbox form field added
  • v3.0.3 - code cleanup and adding new getter class
  • v3.0.2 - code cleanup and grouping added
  • v3.0 - tagging now being used for versions