cpupower-gui is a graphical program that is used to change the scaling frequency limits of the cpu, similar to cpupower.
- aancwIndonesia
- AiratGaliev
- AngryPenguinPL
- atraest
- axredneckRussia
- belijzajacyour cookies folder
- Draic
- dyskette
- Haptein
- hewenhan
- insilicationsItaly
- JeremyBYURideWithGPS
- LaBatata101
- lee-staples
- leechwortHackLab - Kyiv Hackerspace
- leon332157University of Masschusetts Amherst
- logix2
- lucasbrigida@pagseguro
- mdk97
- n-peugnetParis
- nickwarrior5
- P0SlX/
- pruidzekohome
- pwnorbitalsGAMA
- sandriaas
- selectiveduplicateDhaka, Bangladesh
- SeltaDev
- thwallerUnited States
- vatrat
- vincent-peugnet
- ViNi-Arco
- vitor895São Paulo, Brazil
- wszxl516
- yucefsouranilebanon
- ZerocchiPahang, Malaysia
- zocker-160@EE-modders