
kflash, A Python-based cross-platform Kendryte K210 UART ISP Utility

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

kflash, A Python-based Kendryte K210 UART ISP Utility


# kflash --help
usage: kflash [-h] [-p PORT] [-f FLASH] [-b BAUDRATE] [-l BOOTLOADER]
                [-k KEY] [-v] [-t] [-n] [-s] [-B BOARD] [-S SLOW]

positional arguments:
firmware              firmware bin path

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT  COM Port
-f FLASH, --flash FLASH
                        SPI Flash type, 0 for SPI3, 1 for SPI0
-b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE
                        UART baudrate for uploading firmware
                        bootloader bin path
-k KEY, --key KEY     AES key in hex, if you need encrypt your firmware.
-v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
-t, --terminal        Start a terminal after finish (Python miniterm)
-n, --noansi          Do not use ANSI colors, recommended in Windows CMD
-s, --sram            Download firmware to SRAM and boot
                        Select dev board, e.g. kd233, dan, bit, goD, goE or
-S SLOW, --Slow SLOW  Slow download mode


Maixgo with openec firmware, BOARD must choose -B goE, and should choose sencond com port.

With cmsis-dap firmware(before 2019.02.21), BOARD must use -B goD.

You can update new cmsis-dap firmware, it is same as openec.

For K210 Trainer V0.01b, BOARD must choose -B trainer.

For KD233, BOARD must choose -B kd233, and the jumper for kd233 automatic download circuit must be set.


If you installed as a root user, please try:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade kflash

If you installed as a non root user, please try:

And then add ${HOME}/.local/bin to your ${PATH}, .e.g, in your .bashrc or .zshrc.

If you got an error, please try

sudo python -m pip install --upgrade kflash
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade kflash
sudo pip install --upgrade kflash
sudo pip2 install --upgrade kflash

For linux users, first of all, you must add yourself to dialout group. Or you have to use root permission every time.

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(whoami)

For gentoo user

sudo usermod -a -G uucp $(whoami)

Sample Usage

# Linux or macOS
# Using pip
kflash -B dan firmware.bin
kflash -B dan -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish
# Using source code
python3 kflash.py -B dan firmware.bin
python3 kflash.py -B dan -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish

# Windows CMD or PowerShell
# Using pip
kflash -B dan firmware.bin
kflash -B dan -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish
kflash -B dan -n -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish, do not use ANSI colors
# Using source code
python kflash.py -B dan firmware.bin
python kflash.py -B dan -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish
python kflash.py -B dan -n -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish, do not use ANSI colors

# Windows Subsystem for Linux
# Using pip
sudo kflash -B dan -p /dev/ttyS13 firmware.bin # ttyS13 Stands for the COM13 in Device Manager
sudo kflash -B dan -p /dev/ttyS13 -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish
# Using source code
sudo python3 kflash.py -B dan -p /dev/ttyS13 firmware.bin # ttyS13 Stands for the COM13 in Device Manager
sudo python3 kflash.py -B dan -p /dev/ttyS13 -t firmware.bin # Open a Serial Terminal After Finish

For fast programming,

# Using pip
# This will enable opoenec super-baudrate!
kflash -b 4500000 -B goE firmware.bin
# Trainer could use 8000000 baudrate!
kflash -b 8000000 -B trainer firmware.bin
# Dan could use 3000000 baudrate!
kflash -b 3000000 -B dan firmware.bin

# Using source code
# This will enable opoenec super-baudrate!
python3 kflash.py -b 4500000 -B goE firmware.bin
# Trainer could use 8000000 baudrate!
python3 kflash.py -b 8000000 -B trainer firmware.bin
# Dan could use 3000000 baudrate!
python3 kflash.py -b 3000000 -B dan firmware.bin

Execute user code directly in SRAM and view in serial terminal,

# Using pip
# For `.elf` file
kflash -b 115200 -B goE -s -t hello_world
# For `.bin` file
kflash -b 115200 -B goE -s -t hello_world.bin

# Using source code
# For `.elf` file
python3 kflash.py -b 115200 -B goE -s -t hello_world
# For `.bin` file
python3 kflash.py -b 115200 -B goE -s -t hello_world.bin


  • python>=3 or python=2.7

  • pyserial>=3.4

  • pyelftools>=0.25

    Python3 is recommended.

If your python version below python3.4, you need:

  • enum34>=1.1.6

Windows Requirements

python get-pip.py
python -m pip install pyserial
python -m pip install pyelftools
# When you python version below python3.4
python -m pip install enum34

macOS Requirements

# Install Homebrew, an awesome package manager for macOS
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install python
python3 -m pip3 install pyserial
python3 -m pip3 install pyelftools

Ubuntu, Debian Requirements

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyelftools


sudo dnf install python3
sudo python3 -m pip install pyserial
sudo python3 -m pip install pyelftools


sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo yum -y install python36u python36u-pip
sudo ln -s /bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3
sudo ln -s /bin/pip3.6 /usr/bin/pip3
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyelftools

Trouble Shooting

Could not open port /dev/tty*: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/tty*'

For Windows Subsystem for Linux, you may have to use sudo due to its docker like feature
  • Add your self to a dialout group to use usb-to-uart devices by
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(whoami)
  • Logout, and log in.

UART Auto Detecting is Not Working, or Select the Wrong UART Port


  • Check the COM Number for your device at the Device Manager, such as USB-SERIAL CH340(COM13).
# Using pip, only need once when you install
pip install kflash
kflash -p COM13 firmware.bin
# Or
kflash.exe -p COM13 firmware.bin
# Using source code
python kflash.py -p COM13 firmware.bin

Windows Subsystem For Linux(WSL)

  • Check the COM Number for your device at the Device Manager, such as USB-SERIAL CH340(COM13).
# Using pip, only need once when you install
sudo pip3 install kflash
sudo kflash -p /dev/ttyS13 firmware.bin # You have to use *sudo* here
# Using source code
sudo python3 kflash.py -p /dev/ttyS13 firmware.bin # You have to use *sudo* here


  • Check the USB Device Name, Usually presented as ttyUSB*
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
  • It will print :
$ ls /dev/ttyUSB*
  • Choose the one you think belongs to your device, or you may try multimule names.
# Using pip
python3 kflash.py -p /dev/ttyUSB13 firmware.bin
# Using source code
kflash -p /dev/ttyUSB13 firmware.bin


  • Check the USB Device Name, Usually presented as cu.*
ls /dev/cu.*
  • It will print :
$ ls /dev/ttyUSB*
  • Choose the one you think belongs to your device, or you may try multimule names.
# Using pip
kflash -p /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410 firmware.bin
# Using source code
python3 kflash.py -p /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410 firmware.bin

You may unable to find the device even in the /dev, check the link below for drivers