⚠️ This is intended for the purpose of demonstration of interaction between multiple REST APIs that are developed using Go, and basic CRUD operations on MongoDB. The output of the application might not be useful, real-time.
This is a simple Go project that scrapes data (item name, image URL, price, description and total number of reviews posted so far) from the largest E-commerce website, Amazon.com and stores in database. Following are the modules of this project:
1. Scraper-API
Scraper-API, as explained, takes Amazon page URL as input using POST request and scrapes the required details. And makes an internal call to next module, Collector-API using another POST request with the scraped details as form data.
Collector-API gets triggered internally by Scraper-API to collect the so fetched details and place in database. This makes calls to MongoDB module internally for storing in database.
3. MongoDB
MongoDB module is container created of the official mongo SDK image that is available on Docker Hub. The Collector-API calls the mongo functions to insert or retrieve the data from database.
Sno. | Name | Usage |
1 | Go (Golang) | Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google. Helps in speed and concurrency. More info at golang.org. |
2 | REST API | Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. The rule Zero of using this is, you'll send everything as JSON objects over the application endpoints (API socket ports). More info at restfulapi.net. |
3 | MongoDB | MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. More info at mongodb.com. |
4 | Docker | Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. These containers are lightweight virtual-machine kind of platforms which make use of same host OS kernel, but are very scalable and efficient. More info at docker.com. |
Sno. | Name | Version/Config. |
1 | Operating System | Windows 10 x64 bit + WSL2 Ubuntu-20.04 |
2 | Language | Go Version 1.14.7 Windows/amd64 |
3 | IDE | Visual Studio Code Version 1.52.1 |
4 | Containerization | Docker Version 20.10.0, Docker-Compose Version 1.27.4 |
5 | Database | MongoDB Version 4.4.2 |
This doesn't probably make any difference in usage if having a different version, as the application works in Docker containers. But of course, the development steps may differ as per your configuration. The required softwares/configurations are mentioned under Prerequisites section.
Sno. | Software | Detail | Download Links/Steps |
1 | Docker Version 20.10.0 or Higher | Containerizes the application modules for using them as services. This also creates containers of Golang and MongoDB avoiding to download stand-alones for the same. | docker.com/products/docker-desktop |
2 | Docker-Compose Version 1.27.4 or Higher | A CLI of Docker that helps to run docker-compose.yml which is helps in building/starting/stopping all the containers at once and with ease. If using Windows (or) Mac, the Docker-Compose automatically gets downloaded along with Docker. | docs.docker.com/compose/install/ |
3 | Postman (or any equivalent) | Making the GET requests, and most importantly, the POST requests to the API are made easy with Postman. | postman.com/downloads/ |
If you're using Postman, for avoiding the issue with Proxy while running this application, go to Postman -> File -> Settings -> Proxy and uncheck "Use the system proxy" option.
Sno. | Port Number | Endpoint | Defined Calls |
1 | 8080 | Scraper-API | http://localhost:8080/scraper |
2 | 8081 | Collector-API | http://localhost:8081/collector |
3 | 27017 | MongoDB | mongodb://localhost:27017 |
These ports are hard coded for now, but might be dynamically binded in future developments.
Following the steps to recreate the application in your local (in Docker Containers) to scrape and save to database.
- Download the whole repo and place anywhere in the local. Go's location constraint doesn't apply as application runs in containers.
- Open any terminal in the same location and build using docker-compose.
docker-compose build
- Run the application (includes all module containers along with network) at once using the command:
docker-compose up -d
The option -d
(short form of --detach
) here means the container runs in background.
Using docker-compose here has the following advantages:
- It builds the services from the containers, which in turn, builds the services from our modules (Scraper-API & Collector-API) and skips to build mongo as it can access the official image (MongoDB) all by itself.
- It runs all the services as we expect from the command.
- Creates a network by default which helps in interaction between all the containers in the same app.
- Takes relative paths and root accesses of the project by default. Hence the project location is not a constraint unlike the native Go workspace.
- Downloads the images that are mentioned in Dockerfile(s) for creating containers of/out of it. Like in this app, we had made use of mongo and golang official SDK images from Docker Hub.
- Also, we've included the
tag for the mongo and golang images in Dockerfiles. This checks and keeps the containers up-to-date.
Last lines if output should be:
Creating Collector-API ... done
Creating Scraper-API ... done
Creating mongodb ... done
- To verify the services/containers processes running, run the following commands:
docker-compose ps
docker ps
The first command, docker-compose ps
gives the status of all the services running in the same directory and the second, docker ps
shows all the docker processes running on the desktop.
Amazon-Scraper-and-Collector-Using-Go-REST-API>docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
Collector-API ./collector-api Up>8081/tcp
Scraper-API ./scraper-api Up>8080/tcp, 8081/tcp
mongodb docker-entrypoint.sh mongod Up>27017/tcp
Amazon-Scraper-and-Collector-Using-Go-REST-API>docker ps
44fc708b30cc scraper-api "./scraper-api" 14 minutes ago Up 13 minutes>8080/tcp, 8081/tcp Scraper-API
ab8af239575a collector-api "./collector-api" 14 minutes ago Up 13 minutes>8081/tcp Collector-API
d28f9f2d0338 mongo:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 14 minutes ago Up 13 minutes>27017/tcp mongodb
Make use of the application after this. The application should function. How to use, is explained under
Making the Calls
andUsing Postman
sections below.
- Close the services/application:
docker-compose down
This closes all the services gracefully (the word it uses for non-force shutting). And removes the containers and network so created.
Note: The automatic removal process wipes out only the containers and network that got created, and leaves the 2 images that are built (Scraper-API & Collector-API) and of course, the downloaded images (mongo & golang) remain. This is good. If not removed, the containers might collide with the new containers that will be build and might also lead to build failures.
Stopping Scraper-API ... done
Stopping Collector-API ... done
Stopping mongodb ... done
Removing Scraper-API ... done
Removing Collector-API ... done
Removing mongodb ... done
Removing network amazon-scraper-and-collector-using-go-rest-api_default
The 4 possible calls to this application are as follows:
Sno. | Port | Method | URL | Form Data | Details | Importance |
1 | 8080 | POST | localhost:8080/scraper | Yes, send Amazon page URL | The main call for the application to scrape the data from Amazon page and save to database. All other calls in this operation are internal. | HIGH |
2 | 8081 | GET | localhost:8081/collector | Not applicable | This returns all the records (documents in Mongo terminology) in database onto page body, for cross-checking the data loading and can be used for future endpoints to retrieve data. | MEDIUM |
3 | 8080 | GET | localhost:8080/scraper | Not applicable | Only for debugging the endpoint. | LOW |
4 | 8081 | POST | localhost:8081/collector | Yes, all the product details | Only for debugging the endpoint. | LOW |
Form Data:
That is just a sample URL by the time of development of this project. Use any page of Amazon that has only 1 product in it to make sure the prices and details won't collide.
Sample Output:
For URL: https://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-4-Pro-1TB-Console/dp/B01LOP8EZC/
Product details scraped and stored in database with ID: 5fc40bdc092ea8b4c0c2c094
There can be 3 possible types of output for this:
- New Record: This inserts the data and returns the ID.
- Existing Record: This confirms on existance of record.
- Existing Record but updated data on Amazon page: This confirms on existance, updates the record in database and confirms that too.
Form Data: NA
Sample Output:
"_id": "5fc40bdc092ea8b4c0c2c094",
"url": "https://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-4-Pro-1TB-Console/dp/B01LOP8EZC/",
"product": {
"name": "PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Console",
"imageURL": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41GGPRqTZtL._AC_SX355_.jpg",
"description": "Heighten your experiences. Enrich your adventures. Let the super charged PS4 Pro lead the way. 4K TV Gaming : PS4 Pro outputs gameplay to your 4K TV. More HD Power: Turn on Boost Mode to give PS4 games access to the increased power of PS4 Pro. HDR Technology : With an HDR TV, compatible PS4 games display an unbelievably vibrant and life like range of colors. ",
"price": "$339.00",
"totalReviews": 8725
"last_update": "2020-11-29T21:00:12.958Z"
As explained above, postman helps in making the calls, especially the POST method calls to hosts. Make the proxy disable as explained under Prerequisites
The steps are pretty simple.
- Download Postman from official site postman.com/downloads/.
- Install and launch the application in local.
- Select the method (GET/POST) from the drop-down and enter the above mentioned URLs (one at a time) in the corresponding space.
- If POST requests, you'll find the
option just below the URL. Click and go as follows:
Body (Sub Menu) -> Raw (Radio Button) -> JSON (from Drop-down)
This will enable the description form where you can copy-paste JSON data. This works more efficiently than selecting individual Key-Value pairs. Use the URLs, methods, form data and check for outputs in this with that of mentioned underMaking the Calls
section above.