
Kubernetes config for orchestrating microservices involving authentication for an app

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Kubernetes configurations for go-user-store, go-refresh-token-store, go-auth-service and redis

DockerHub Images

The container images can be found on:

on Kubernetes

The logic for a container environment (including linking containers) can be built on Kubernetes.

Pulling images from Docker Hub

In documentation it says:

You create your Docker image and push it to a registry before referring to it in a Kubernetes pod.

The image property of a container supports the same syntax as the docker command does, including private registries and tags.

For further reading:


Minikube is a single-node version of Kubernetes especially handy for local development.

On a Linux Machine Minikube can be run with no VMs. To do that minikubes should be started with the vm-driver option set to false

sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none

Multiple containers in the same pod

Having multiple containers in the same pod:

  • makes it possible to communicate the containers of the same port only through their ports.

Using kubectl command with the .yml configs

kubectl create -f path/to/yml

Kubernetes Setup on AWS

Kops is used for setup Kubernetes on AWS.

See also